halfhp / androidplot

Charts and plots for Android
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Android Plot crashes when setting color from resource id #88

Open planetmarshall opened 5 years ago

planetmarshall commented 5 years ago


Applying a style where a color is specified as a resource ID causes an App using Android Plot to crash.

Expected Results

With a style resource such as


Applying the style in a formatter should apply the specified color resource.

Actual Results

Applying the style in a formatter causes the app to crash.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Define a color resource
  2. Define a style xml resource as above referring to the color resource
  3. Apply the style resource using
        LineAndPointFormatter profileFormatter = new LineAndPointFormatter(this, R.xml.style);

Reproduced in

Androidplot 1.5.6 Google Pixel with Android 9 (API Level 28) Compile SDK Version 26 Android Build tools 28.0.2


 Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown color
        at android.graphics.Color.parseColor(Color.java:1400)
        at com.halfhp.fig.Fig.parseIntAttr(Fig.java:58)
        at com.halfhp.fig.Fig.inflateParams(Fig.java:163)
        at com.halfhp.fig.Fig.configure(Fig.java:283)
        at com.halfhp.fig.Fig.configure(Fig.java:208)
        at com.halfhp.fig.Fig.configure(Fig.java:234)
        at com.halfhp.fig.Fig.configure(Fig.java:253)
        at com.androidplot.ui.Formatter.configure(Formatter.java:52)


The issue appears to be caused by the following code in Fig.java

private static int parseIntAttr(String value) {
        if (Character.isDigit(value.charAt(0))) {
            return Integer.parseInt(value);
        } else if (value.startsWith(RESOURCE_ID_PREFIX)) {
            // it's a resId
            return Color.parseColor(value);

However, the Android Color.parseColor function does not accept resource IDs:


halfhp commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the report - will investigate. Fig does in fact support the use of resource id's so off the top of my head I'm not sure where things are breaking here.

halfhp commented 5 years ago

Found the bug in Fig. Expect to have it fixed for the 1.5.8 release.