halgurdkamal / posZ92Printer

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Build time issue #1

Closed vetri654vel closed 1 year ago

vetri654vel commented 1 year ago

Reproduce this issue:

just add the package and build you will get this issue

`FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

BUILD FAILED in 17s Exception: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1`

vetri654vel commented 1 year ago

this implementation causes the code to crash implementation 'com.google.zxing:core:3.3.0' in Android->App-> Build.gradle if we remove and run the code it works fine

halgurdkamal commented 1 year ago

hello 👋 i can’t find this implementation in my package but you can add this code for your android/app/build.gradle

dependencies { any implementation .... add this line 👇

configurations.all { exclude group: 'com.google.zxing' }


halgurdkamal commented 1 year ago

and if you can fix it please make pull request thanks

vetri654vel commented 1 year ago

Commit 311a2aa Solved this issue hope so I will check once and update

halgurdkamal commented 1 year ago

yes thanks for helping