halide / Halide

a language for fast, portable data-parallel computation
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Strange building error from halide generator "You may not do this operation at this phase" I can not figure out what would cause this #8300

Closed phengxu closed 3 months ago

phengxu commented 3 months ago

After the build my halide generator with version 17 on msbuild windows 11, and try to generate some header file by configuring the different pipeline variant at AOT mode, found some confused error message like:

"'D:\surround360\Surround360-master\Surround360-master\surround360_render\build\CMakeFiles\9aacf9e27932f22af514fbd6620b5880\CameraIspGen16.update.rule' is generated by 'D:\surround360\Surround360-master\Surround360-mas ter\surround360_render\build\CMakeFiles\131ee13ba3a1304931216c202c3e7eb3\CameraIspGen16.h.rule'. Cannot generate items in parallel. ” Generating CameraIspGen16.h, CameraIspGen16.obj Unhandled exception : error : You may not do this operation at this phase. [D:\surround360\Surround360-master\Surround360-master\surround360_render\build\CameraIspGen16.update.vcxproj]

my generator code is paste here:

* transfer to version 17.0.1 of halide

#include "Halide.h"
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>

DEFINE_int32(output_bpp, 8,  "output image bits per pixel, either 8 or 16");
// #ifndef OUTPUT_BPP
// #define OUTPUT_BPP 8 // Default value in case OUTPUT_BPP is not defined
// #endif

using namespace std;
using namespace Halide;

// template<bool Fast>
// class CameraIspGen : public Halide::Generator<CameraIspGen<Fast>>{
class CameraIspGen : public Halide::Generator<CameraIspGen>{ 
  Target target;
  Var x, y, c, yi, yo;
  Func toneCorrected;
  // Declare the configuration parameters for output variants code
  GeneratorParam<int> outputBpp{"outputBpp", 8};
  GeneratorParam<bool> Fast{"Fast", false};
  // Input raw image, so it is 2D and runtime size
  Input<Buffer<void, 2>> input{"input"};
  // Input<Func> input{"input", Float(32), 3};
  Input<int> width{"width"};
  Input<int> height{"height"};
  // Input<Func> vignetteTableH{"vignetteTableH", Float(32), 1};
  // Input<Func> vignetteTableV{"vignetteTableV", Float(32), 1};
  Input<Buffer<float, 2>> vignetteTableH{"vignetteH"};
  Input<Buffer<float, 2>> vignetteTableV{"vignetteV"};
  Input<float> blackLevelR{"blackLevelR"};
  Input<float> blackLevelG{"blackLevelG"};
  Input<float> blackLevelB{"blackLevelB"};
  Input<float> whiteBalanceGainR{"whiteBalanceGainR"};
  Input<float> whiteBalanceGainG{"whiteBalanceGainG"};
  Input<float> whiteBalanceGainB{"whiteBalanceGainB"};
  Input<float> clampMinR{"clampMinR"};
  Input<float> clampMinG{"clampMinG"};
  Input<float> clampMinB{"clampMinB"};
  Input<float> clampMaxR{"clampMaxR"};
  Input<float> clampMaxG{"clampMaxG"};
  Input<float> clampMaxB{"clampMaxB"};
  Input<float> sharpeningR{"sharpeningR"};
  Input<float> sharpeningG{"sharpeningG"};
  Input<float> sharpeningB{"sharpeningB"};
  Input<float> sharpeningSupport{"sharpeningSupport"};
  Input<float> noiseCore{"noiseCore"};
  Input<Buffer<float>> ccm{"ccm", 2};
  // ImageParam toneTable(UInt(FLAGS_output_bpp), 2, "toneTable");
  /*default 8bit, change to 16bit if need in generat method by check output_bpp*/
  Input<Buffer<uint16_t>> toneTable{"toneTable", 2};     
  Input<bool> BGR{"BGR"};
  Input<int> bayerPattern{"bayerPattern"};
  // Input<int> outputBpp{"outputBpp"};
  // define two output buffer size for 16bit and 8bit
  Output<Buffer<uint16_t, 3>> ispOutput16{"ispOutput16"};
  Output<Buffer<uint8_t, 3>> ispOutput8{"ispOutput8"};
  // Func ispOutput;
  // set from main configuration
  // void setParams(bool fast, int outputBpp) {
  //         Fast.set(fast);
  //         this->outputBpp.set(outputBpp);
  //     }

  // Average two positive values rounding up
  Expr avg(Expr a, Expr b) {
    return (a + b) * 0.5f;

  Func interleave_x(Func a, Func b) {
    Func out("ix");
    out(x, y) = select((x % 2) == 0, a(x, y), b(x, y));
    return out;

  Func interleave_y(Func a, Func b) {
    Func out("iy");
    out(x, y) = select((y % 2) == 0, a(x, y), b(x, y));
    return out;

  Expr redPixel(Expr bayerPattern) {
    return select(bayerPattern == 0, (x % 2) == 0 && (y % 2) == 1,
    select(bayerPattern == 1, (x % 2) == 0 && (y % 2) == 0, 0));

  Expr greenRedPixel(Expr bayerPattern) {
    return select(bayerPattern == 0, (x % 2) == 1 && (y % 2) == 1,
    select(bayerPattern == 1, (x % 2) == 1 && (y % 2) == 0, 0));

  Expr bluePixel(Expr bayerPattern) {
    return select(bayerPattern == 0, (x % 2) == 1 && (y % 2) == 0,
    select(bayerPattern == 1, (x % 2) == 1 && (y % 2) == 1, 0));

  Expr greenBluePixel(Expr bayerPattern) {
    return select(bayerPattern == 0, (x % 2) == 0 && (y % 2) == 0,
    select(bayerPattern == 1, (x % 2) == 0 && (y % 2) == 1, 0));

  Expr greenPixel(Expr bayerPattern) {
    return greenBluePixel(bayerPattern) || greenRedPixel(bayerPattern);

  Func deinterleave(Func raw, Expr bayerPattern) {
    // Deinterleave the color channels
    Func deinterleaved("deinterleaved");

    // Fixed pattern of:
    // G B
    // R G
    deinterleaved(x, y, c) =
          select(c == 1 && greenBluePixel(bayerPattern), raw(x, y), // green on blue row
          select(c == 2 && bluePixel(bayerPattern),      raw(x, y), // blue
          select(c == 0 && redPixel(bayerPattern),       raw(x, y), // red
          select(c == 1 && greenRedPixel(bayerPattern),  raw(x, y), // green on red row

    return deinterleaved;

  void bilinearDemosaic(
      Func rawRed,
      Func rawBlue,
      Func rawGreenB,
      Func rawGreenR,
      Func& redOnGreenBlue,
      Func& greenOnGreenBlue,
      Func& blueOnGreenBlue,
      Func& redOnGreenRed,
      Func& greenOnGreenRed,
      Func& blueOnGreenRed,
      Func& redOnBlue,
      Func& greenOnBlue,
      Func& blueOnBlue,
      Func& redOnRed,
      Func& greenOnRed,
      Func& blueOnRed,
      Func& demosaiced,
      Expr bayerPattern) {

    // Neighbor indices
    Expr x1 = x + 1;
    Expr x_1 = x - 1;

    Expr y1 = y + 1;
    Expr y_1 = y - 1;

    // Horizontally or vertically average the red and blue channels at
    // green-red and green-blue pixels.
    redOnGreenBlue(x, y) = avg(rawRed(x, y_1), rawRed(x,y1));
    greenOnGreenBlue(x, y) = rawGreenB(x, y);
    blueOnGreenBlue(x, y) = avg(rawBlue(x_1, y), rawBlue(x1,y));

    blueOnGreenRed(x, y) = avg(rawBlue(x, y_1), rawBlue(x,y1));
    greenOnGreenRed(x, y) = rawGreenR(x, y);
    redOnGreenRed(x, y) = avg(rawRed(x_1, y), rawRed(x1,y));

    // Box average pixels surrounding the red or blue channels when
    // they are alternatively on blue and red pixels respectively.
    redOnBlue(x, y) = avg(avg(rawRed(x_1, y_1), rawRed(x1, y_1)), avg(rawRed(x_1, y1), rawRed(x1, y1)));
    greenOnBlue(x, y) = avg(avg(rawGreenB(x_1, y), rawGreenB(x1, y)), avg(rawGreenR(x, y_1), rawGreenR(x, y1)));
    blueOnBlue(x, y) = rawBlue(x, y);

    // Average the green colors that are above, below, left and right
    // at red and blue pixels.
    redOnRed(x, y) = rawRed(x, y);
    greenOnRed(x, y) = avg(avg(rawGreenR(x_1, y), rawGreenR(x1, y)), avg(rawGreenB(x, y_1), rawGreenB(x, y1)));
    blueOnRed(x, y) = avg(avg(rawBlue(x_1, y_1), rawBlue(x1, y_1)), avg(rawBlue(x_1, y1), rawBlue(x1, y1)));

    // Interleave the resulting channels
    Func r, g, b;
    r = interleave_y(interleave_x(redOnGreenBlue,  redOnBlue),    interleave_x(redOnRed, redOnGreenRed));
    g = interleave_y(interleave_x(greenOnGreenBlue,greenOnBlue),  interleave_x(greenOnRed, greenOnGreenRed));
    b = interleave_y(interleave_x(blueOnGreenBlue, blueOnBlue),   interleave_x(blueOnRed, blueOnGreenRed));

    // RGGB
    Func r_rggb, g_rggb, b_rggb;
    r_rggb = interleave_y(interleave_x(redOnRed, redOnGreenRed), interleave_x(redOnGreenBlue,  redOnBlue));
    g_rggb = interleave_y(interleave_x(greenOnRed, greenOnGreenRed), interleave_x(greenOnGreenBlue,greenOnBlue));
    b_rggb = interleave_y(interleave_x(blueOnRed, blueOnGreenRed), interleave_x(blueOnGreenBlue, blueOnBlue));

    demosaiced(x, y, c) =
      select(bayerPattern == 0,
          c == 0, r(x, y),
          c == 1, g(x, y),
          b(x, y)),
          c == 0, r_rggb(x, y),
          c == 1, g_rggb(x, y),
          b_rggb(x, y)));

  void edgeAwareDemosaic(
      Func rawRed,
      Func rawBlue,
      Func rawGreenB,
      Func rawGreenR,
      Func& redOnGreenBlue,
      Func& greenOnGreenBlue,
      Func& blueOnGreenBlue,
      Func& redOnGreenRed,
      Func& greenOnGreenRed,
      Func& blueOnGreenRed,
      Func& redOnBlue,
      Func& greenOnBlue,
      Func& blueOnBlue,
      Func& redOnRed,
      Func& greenOnRed,
      Func& blueOnRed,
      Func& demosaiced,
      Expr bayerPattern) {
    // Neighbor indices
    Expr x1 = x + 1;
    Expr x2 = x + 2;
    Expr x_1 = x - 1;
    Expr x_2 = x - 2;

    Expr y1 = y + 1;
    Expr y2 = y + 2;
    Expr y_1 = y - 1;
    Expr y_2 = y - 2;

    // Green horizonal & vertical value interpolates at green input pixels
    Func gV("gV"), gH("gH");
    gV(x, y) =
      select(greenBluePixel(bayerPattern), rawGreenB(x, y), // green on blue row
      select(bluePixel(bayerPattern),      avg(rawGreenR(x, y1), rawGreenR(x, y_1)) + (2.0f * rawBlue(x, y) - rawBlue(x, y2) - rawBlue(x, y_2)) / 4.0f, // blue
      select(redPixel(bayerPattern),       avg(rawGreenB(x, y1), rawGreenB(x, y_1)) + (2.0f * rawRed(x, y)  - rawRed(x, y2)  - rawRed(x, y_2)) / 4.0f, // red
      select(greenRedPixel(bayerPattern),  rawGreenR(x, y), // green on red row

    gH(x, y) =
      select(greenBluePixel(bayerPattern), rawGreenB(x, y), // green on blue row
      select(bluePixel(bayerPattern),      avg(rawGreenB(x1, y), rawGreenB(x_1, y)) + (2.0f * rawBlue(x, y) - rawBlue(x2, y) - rawBlue(x_2, y)) / 4.0f, // blue
      select(redPixel(bayerPattern),       avg(rawGreenR(x1, y), rawGreenR(x_1, y)) + (2.0f * rawRed(x, y)  - rawRed(x2, y)  - rawRed(x_2, y)) / 4.0f, // red
      select(greenRedPixel(bayerPattern),  rawGreenR(x, y), // green on red row

    // And the derivatives
    Func dV("dV"), dH("dh");
    dV(x, y) =
      select(greenBluePixel(bayerPattern), avg(absd(rawGreenB(x, y2), rawGreenB(x, y)), absd(rawGreenB(x, y_2), rawGreenB(x, y))), // green on blue row
      select(bluePixel(bayerPattern),      avg(absd(rawGreenR(x, y1), rawGreenR(x, y_1)), absd(rawBlue(x, y2) + rawBlue(x, y_2), 2.0f*rawBlue(x, y))), // blue
      select(redPixel(bayerPattern),       avg(absd(rawGreenB(x, y1), rawGreenB(x, y_1)), absd(rawRed(x, y2)  + rawRed(x, y_2),  2.0f*rawRed(x, y))), // red
      select(greenRedPixel(bayerPattern),  avg(absd(rawGreenR(x, y2), rawGreenR(x, y)), absd(rawGreenR(x, y_2), rawGreenR(x, y))), // green on red row

    dH(x, y) =
      select(greenBluePixel(bayerPattern), avg(absd(rawGreenB(x2, y), rawGreenB(x,   y)), absd(rawGreenB(x_2, y), rawGreenB(x, y))), // green on blue row
      select(bluePixel(bayerPattern),      avg(absd(rawGreenB(x1, y), rawGreenB(x_1, y)), absd(rawBlue(x2, y) + rawBlue(x_2, y), 2.0f*rawBlue(x, y))), // blue
      select(redPixel(bayerPattern),       avg(absd(rawGreenR(x1, y), rawGreenR(x_1, y)), absd(rawRed(x2, y)  + rawRed(x_2, y),  2.0f*rawRed(x, y))), // red
      select(greenRedPixel(bayerPattern),  avg(absd(rawGreenR(x2, y), rawGreenR(x,   y)), absd(rawGreenR(x_2, y), rawGreenR(x, y))), // green on red row

    // Homogenity calulation over a diameter size region
    const int w = 4;
    const int diameter = 2 * w + 1;
    const int diameterSquared = diameter * diameter;
    RDom d(0, diameter, 0, diameter);
    Expr xp = x + d.x - w;
    Expr yp = y + d.y - w;

    // Count the number of pixels in the region that are horizontal.
    // This is given by determining when the vertical gradient is
    // greater than the horizontal gradient. Remember that a strong
    // vertical gradient means that the local area is horizontal since
    // the gradient is orthogonal to the direction of the local
    // feature.
    Func hCount("hCount");
    hCount(x, y) = sum(cast<int>(dH(xp, yp) <= dV(xp, yp)));

    // The local green estimate is a blend of the horizontal and vertical
    // green channel estimate based on how horizontal or vertical the
    // region is.
    Func g;
    g(x, y) = select(hCount(x, y) < diameterSquared / 2, gV(x, y), gH(x, y));

    // Red and blue minus the log of the green channel
    Func rmg, bmg;
    rmg(x, y) = rawRed(x, y) - g(x, y);
    bmg(x, y) = rawBlue(x, y) - g(x, y);

    // Use local box style filtering to estimate r-g and b-g
    // channels. Adding the g channel back in.
    Func r, b;
    r(x, y) =
      select(redPixel(bayerPattern),       (rmg(x, y) + rmg(x, y2) + rmg(x, y_2) + rmg(x2, y) + rmg(x_2, y)) / 5.0f,
      select(greenRedPixel(bayerPattern),  (rmg(x_1, y_2) + rmg(x_1, y) + rmg(x_1, y2) + rmg(x1, y_2) + rmg(x1, y) + rmg(x1, y2)) / 6.0f,
      select(greenBluePixel(bayerPattern), (rmg(x_2, y_1) + rmg(x, y_1) + rmg(x2, y_1) + rmg(x_2, y1) + rmg(x, y1) + rmg(x2, y1)) / 6.0f,
      select(bluePixel(bayerPattern),      (rmg(x1, y1) + rmg(x1, y_1) + rmg(x_1, y1) + rmg(x_1, y_1)) / 4.0f,
      + g(x, y);

    b(x, y) =
      select(redPixel(bayerPattern),       (bmg(x1, y1) + bmg(x1, y_1) + bmg(x_1, y1) + bmg(x_1, y_1)) / 4.0f,
      select(greenRedPixel(bayerPattern),  (bmg(x_2, y_1) + bmg(x, y_1) + bmg(x2, y_1) + bmg(x_2, y1) + bmg(x, y1) + bmg(x2, y1)) / 6.0f,
      select(greenBluePixel(bayerPattern), (bmg(x_1, y_2) + bmg(x_1, y) + bmg(x_1, y2) + bmg(x1, y_2) + bmg(x1, y) + bmg(x1, y2)) / 6.0f,
      select(bluePixel(bayerPattern),      (bmg(x, y) + bmg(x, y2) + bmg(x, y_2) + bmg(x2, y) + bmg(x_2, y)) / 5.0f,
      + g(x, y);

    demosaiced(x, y, c) =
          c == 0, r(x, y),
          c == 1, g(x, y),
          b(x, y));

    int kVec = target.natural_vector_size(Float(32));

    gV.compute_at(toneCorrected, yi)
      .store_at(toneCorrected, yo)
      .vectorize(x, kVec, TailStrategy::RoundUp)
      .fold_storage(y, 64);

    gH.compute_at(toneCorrected, yi)
      .store_at(toneCorrected, yo)
      .vectorize(x, kVec, TailStrategy::RoundUp)
      .fold_storage(y, 64);

    dV.compute_at(toneCorrected, yi)
      .store_at(toneCorrected, yo)
      .vectorize(x, kVec, TailStrategy::RoundUp)
      .fold_storage(y, 64);

    dH.compute_at(toneCorrected, yi)
      .store_at(toneCorrected, yo)
      .vectorize(x, kVec, TailStrategy::RoundUp)
      .fold_storage(y, 64);

    g.compute_at(toneCorrected, yi)
      .store_at(toneCorrected, yo)
      .vectorize(x, kVec, TailStrategy::RoundUp)
      .fold_storage(y, 64);

    r.compute_at(toneCorrected, yi)
      .store_at(toneCorrected, yo)
      .vectorize(x, kVec, TailStrategy::RoundUp)
      .fold_storage(y, 64);

    b.compute_at(toneCorrected, yi)
      .store_at(toneCorrected, yo)
      .vectorize(x, kVec, TailStrategy::RoundUp)
      .fold_storage(y, 64);

  Func demosaic(
      Func deinterleaved_input,
      Func vignetteTableH,
      Func vignetteTableV,
      Expr blackLevelR,
      Expr blackLevelG,
      Expr blackLevelB,
      Expr whiteBalanceGainR,
      Expr whiteBalanceGainG,
      Expr whiteBalanceGainB,
      Expr clampMinR,
      Expr clampMinG,
      Expr clampMinB,
      Expr clampMaxR,
      Expr clampMaxG,
      Expr clampMaxB,
      Expr bayerPattern) {

    // These are the values we already know from the input
    // x_y = the value of channel x at a site in the input of channel y
    // gb refers to green sites in the blue rows
    // gr refers to green sites in the red rows

    // We want to express black level, white balance, and clamping as A(x - B)
    // Assuming x in [0, 1]
    // y = [(WB(x - BL)/(1 - BL)) - CLmin] / (CLmax - CLmin)
    //   = WB[x - (BL + CLmin(1 - BL) / WB)] / [(1 - BL)(CLmax - CLmin)]
    //   = A(x - B),
    //     A = WB / [(1 - BL)(CLmax - CLmin)], B = BL + CLmin(1 - BL) / WB

    Expr minRawR = blackLevelR;
    Expr minRawG = blackLevelG;
    Expr minRawB = blackLevelB;
    Expr maxRaw = float((1 << 16) - 1);

    Expr rangeRawR = maxRaw - minRawR;
    Expr rangeRawG = maxRaw - minRawG;
    Expr rangeRawB = maxRaw - minRawB;

    Expr biasR = minRawR + clampMinR * rangeRawR / whiteBalanceGainR;
    Expr biasG = minRawG + clampMinG * rangeRawG / whiteBalanceGainG;
    Expr biasB = minRawB + clampMinB * rangeRawB / whiteBalanceGainB;

    Expr invRangeR = whiteBalanceGainR / (rangeRawR * (clampMaxR - clampMinR));
    Expr invRangeG = whiteBalanceGainG / (rangeRawG * (clampMaxG - clampMinG));
    Expr invRangeB = whiteBalanceGainB / (rangeRawB * (clampMaxB - clampMinB));

    Expr redWB = (deinterleaved_input(x, y, 0) - biasR) * invRangeR;
    Expr greenWB = (deinterleaved_input(x, y, 1) - biasG) * invRangeG;
    Expr blueWB = (deinterleaved_input(x, y, 2) - biasB) * invRangeB;

    if (!Fast) {
      redWB *= vignetteTableH(0, x) * vignetteTableV(0, y);
      greenWB *= vignetteTableH(1, x) * vignetteTableV(1, y);
      blueWB *= vignetteTableH(2, x) * vignetteTableV(2, y);

    // Raw bayer pixels
    Func rawRed("rawRed");
    Func rawBlue("rawBlue");
    Func rawGreenB("rawGreenB");
    Func rawGreenR("rawGreenR");

    rawRed(x, y)    = clamp(redWB, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    rawBlue(x, y)   = clamp(blueWB, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    rawGreenB(x, y) = clamp(greenWB, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    rawGreenR(x, y) = rawGreenB(x, y);

    // These are the ones we need to interpolate
    // Rename build up planar bayer channels
    Func redOnGreenBlue("redOnGreenBlue"); // Red on a greeb/blue pixel
    Func greenOnGreenBlue("greenOnGreenBlue"); // Green on a green/blue pixel
    Func blueOnGreenBlue("blueOnGreenBlue"); // Blue on a green/blue pixel

    Func redOnGreenRed("redOnGreenRed");  // Red on a green/red pixel
    Func greenOnGreenRed("greenOnGreenRed"); // Green on a green/red pixel
    Func blueOnGreenRed("blueOnGreenRed"); // Blue on a green/red pixel

    Func redOnBlue("redOnBlue");  // Red on a blue pixel
    Func greenOnBlue("greenOnBlue"); // Green on a blue pixel
    Func blueOnBlue("blueOnBlue");  // Blue on a blue pixel

    Func redOnRed("redOnRed"); // red on a red pixel
    Func greenOnRed("greenOnRed"); // Green on a red pixel
    Func blueOnRed("blueOnRed"); // Blue on a red pixel

    Func demosaiced("demosaiced");
    if (Fast) {
      bilinearDemosaic(rawRed, rawBlue, rawGreenB, rawGreenR,
          redOnGreenBlue, greenOnGreenBlue, blueOnGreenBlue,
          redOnGreenRed, greenOnGreenRed, blueOnGreenRed,
          redOnBlue, greenOnBlue, blueOnBlue,
          redOnRed, greenOnRed, blueOnRed,
    } else {
      edgeAwareDemosaic(rawRed, rawBlue, rawGreenB, rawGreenR,
          redOnGreenBlue, greenOnGreenBlue, blueOnGreenBlue,
          redOnGreenRed, greenOnGreenRed, blueOnGreenRed,
          redOnBlue, greenOnBlue, blueOnBlue,
          redOnRed, greenOnRed, blueOnRed,
    // here we have to schedule the demosaiced here before return it 
    int kVec = target.natural_vector_size(Float(32));

      .compute_at(toneCorrected, x)
      .vectorize(x, kVec, TailStrategy::RoundUp)
      .reorder(y, x, c)

    return demosaiced;

  static const int kToneCurveLutSize = 4096;

  Func applyCCM(Func input, ImageParam ccm) {
    Expr ir = input(x, y, 0);
    Expr ig = input(x, y, 1);
    Expr ib = input(x, y, 2);

    Expr r = ccm(0, 0) * ir + ccm(1, 0) * ig + ccm(2, 0) * ib;
    Expr g = ccm(0, 1) * ir + ccm(1, 1) * ig + ccm(2, 1) * ib;
    Expr b = ccm(0, 2) * ir + ccm(1, 2) * ig + ccm(2, 2) * ib;

    Func corrected("corrected");
    corrected(x, y, c) =
                  c == 0, r,
                  c == 1, g,
                  b), 0, kToneCurveLutSize - 1));
    return corrected;

  Func lp(
      Func input,
      Expr height,
      Expr alpha) {
    Expr alphaComp = 1.0f - alpha;

    Func blur("blur");
    // Classic exponetially weighted two-tap IIR filter
    blur(x, y, c) = undef<float>(); // Pure function init
    blur(x, 0, c) = cast<float>(input(x, 0, c)); // Seed the first value

    RDom ry(1, height - 1);
    Expr yp = height - 1 - ry;

    /*Adjust brightness of image from top-to-bottom, and bottom-to-top*/
    // Causal pass
    blur(x, ry, c) = blur(x, ry - 1, c) * alpha + cast<float>(input(x, ry, c)) * alphaComp;
    // Anti-causal pass
    blur(x, yp, c) = blur(x, yp + 1, c) * alpha + blur(x, yp, c) * alphaComp;
    /*Mirror the image by positive diagonal*/
    Func transpose("transpose");
    transpose(x, y, c) = blur(y, x, c);

    const int kVec = target.natural_vector_size(Float(32));

    Var xo, xi, yo, yi, si;
      .tile(x, y, xo, yo, x, y, 8, 8)
      .vectorize(x, kVec);

      compute_at(transpose, yo);
    /* Do not update (0) for blur, since it is juse a pure define init 
       and no actual pixel operation*/
      .reorder(c, x, ry)
      .vectorize(x, kVec);

      .reorder(c, x, ry)

    return transpose;

  Func applyUnsharpMask(
      Func input,
      Expr width,
      Expr height,
      Expr sR,
      Expr sG,
      Expr sB,
      Expr alpha,
      Expr noiseCore,
      Expr BGR,
      int outputBpp) {

    Func lowPass("lowPass");
    Func lowPass0("lowPass0");
    lowPass0 = lp(input, height, alpha);
    lowPass = lp(lowPass0, width, alpha);

    Func highPass("hp");
    highPass(x, y, c) =  cast<float>(input(x, y, c)) - lowPass(x, y, c);

    Func noiseGain("noiseGain");
    noiseGain(x, y, c) = 1.0f - exp(-(highPass(x, y, c) * highPass(x, y, c) * noiseCore));

    Expr cp = select(BGR == 0, c, 2 - c);
    const int range = (1 << outputBpp) - 1;

    Expr outputVal =
          lowPass(x, y, cp) + highPass(x, y, cp) * noiseGain(x, y, c) *
          select(cp == 0, sR, cp == 1, sG, sB),
          0, range);

    Func sharpened("sharpi");
    if (outputBpp == 8) {
      sharpened(x, y, c) = cast<uint8_t>(outputVal);
    } else {
      sharpened(x, y, c) = cast<uint16_t>(outputVal);
    // sharpened(x, y, c) = cast<uint16_t>(outputVal);

    const int kStripSize = 32;
    const int kVec = target.natural_vector_size(Float(32));

    Var yo, yi;
      .split(y, yo, yi, kStripSize)
      .vectorize(yi, kVec);

    return sharpened;
  // called before generate and setup the pipeline
  void configure() {
    // Set the type of the input buffer based on the outputBpp
    if (outputBpp == 8) {
    } else if (outputBpp == 16) {
    } else {
      throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported bit depth");
    // get current architecture target
    Target t = Halide::get_target_from_environment();
    // Check if a specific feature is not already enabled and then add it
    if (!t.has_feature(Halide::Target::Feature::AVX2)) {
      t = t.with_feature(Halide::Target::Feature::AVX2);

    // Similarly, you can add other features as needed
    if (!t.has_feature(Halide::Target::Feature::SSE41)) {
      t = t.with_feature(Halide::Target::Feature::SSE41);
    // All the method use this feature set target
    target = t;

 void generate() { // in version 17 halide use generate

    Expr sR = 1.0f + cast<float>(sharpeningR);
    Expr sG = 1.0f + cast<float>(sharpeningG);
    Expr sB = 1.0f + cast<float>(sharpeningB);

    // // This is the ISP pipeline
    // Func vignettingGain("vignettingGain");
    Func deinterleaved("deinterleaved");
    Func demosaiced_output("demosaiced");
    Func colorCorrected("ccm");
    Func sharpened("sharpened");

    // Set the type of the input buffer based on the outputBpp
    if (outputBpp == 8) {
    } else if (outputBpp == 16) {
    } else {
        // user_error << "Unsupported bit depth";
        throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported bit depth");

    // boundary conditions in move from main body here for reference input params
    Func rawM("rawm");
    rawM = BoundaryConditions::mirror_interior(input);

    Func vignetteTableHM("vhm");
    vignetteTableHM = BoundaryConditions::mirror_image(vignetteTableH);

    Func vignetteTableVM("vvm");
    vignetteTableVM = BoundaryConditions::mirror_image(vignetteTableV);

    deinterleaved   = deinterleave(rawM, bayerPattern);
    demosaiced_output      = demosaic(
      vignetteTableHM, vignetteTableVM,
      blackLevelR, blackLevelG, blackLevelB,
      whiteBalanceGainR, whiteBalanceGainG, whiteBalanceGainB,
      clampMinR, clampMinG, clampMinB, clampMaxR, clampMaxG, clampMaxB, bayerPattern);

    colorCorrected  = applyCCM(demosaiced_output, ccm);

    toneCorrected(x, y, c) = toneTable(c, colorCorrected(x, y, c));

  if (Fast) {
      Expr cp = select(BGR == 0, c, 2 - c);
      if (outputBpp == 8) {
        ispOutput8(x, y, c) = toneCorrected(x, y, cp);
      } else {
        ispOutput16(x, y, c) = toneCorrected(x, y, cp);
      // ispOutput(x, y, c) = toneCorrected(x , y, cp);
    } else {
      Expr alpha = pow(sharpeningSupport, 1.0f/4.0f);
      if (outputBpp == 8) {
        ispOutput8 = applyUnsharpMask(toneCorrected, width, height, sR, sG, sB, alpha, noiseCore, BGR, outputBpp);
      } else {
        ispOutput16 = applyUnsharpMask(toneCorrected, width, height, sR, sG, sB, alpha, noiseCore, BGR, outputBpp);
      // ispOutput = applyUnsharpMask(toneCorrected, width, height, sR, sG, sB, alpha, noiseCore, BGR, outputBpp);

    // Schedule the pipeline
    const int kStripSize = 32;
    const int kVec = target.natural_vector_size(Int(16));

      .compute_at(toneCorrected, yi)
      .store_at(toneCorrected, yo)
      .vectorize(x, 2 * kVec, TailStrategy::RoundUp)
      .reorder(c, x, y)

     // Schedule toneCorrected  using local vars
    Var yii("yii"),xi("xi");
    // const int kStripSize = 32;
    // const int kVec = target.natural_vector_size(Int(16));
      .split(y, yo, yi, kStripSize)
      .split(yi, yi, yii, 2)
      .split(x, x, xi, 2*kVec, TailStrategy::RoundUp)
      .reorder(xi, c, yii, x, yi, yo)
      .vectorize(xi, 2 * kVec);

    // output buffer schedule
    if (outputBpp == 8) {
    } else {
    // ispOutput
    //   .dim(0).set_stride(3)
    //   .dim(2).set_stride(1)
    //   .dim(2).set_extent(3);

    // for halide 17 can directely return the pipeline object
    // Halide::Pipeline pipeline(ispOutput);

    // Return the Pipeline object
    // return pipeline;

  CameraIspGen() { }

  // private:
  //   Target target;

// halide new version register the generator before main is called must be done
// the register name is internal used and not referenced in the code of consumer or cmake
// for consuming code, the function name for consuming the pipeline code is in the generated
// header file CameraIspGenOutput_xxx.h that is defined in cmake file

And my camke file is here:


PROJECT(Surround360Render CXX)

# set use halide for acceleration for camera isp

find_package(gflags CONFIG REQUIRED)# must before glog and ceres
add_library(gflags::gflags ALIAS gflags) # add alias 
# FIND_PACKAGE(gflags CONFIG REQUIRED) # Must go next set gflags_DIR


## Halide support updated by monica genius suggestion
find_package(Halide 17.0.1 REQUIRED)
# find_package(Halide REQUIRED)
set(HALIDE_DIR "D:/surround360/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/share/halide")

# Add Halide library
add_library(halide_library INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(halide_library INTERFACE ${Halide_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(halide_library INTERFACE Halide::Halide)

add_executable(CameraIspGen source/camera_isp/CameraIspGen.cpp)
target_link_libraries(CameraIspGen PRIVATE Halide::Generator gflags::gflags)

## Hack to build the libraries

add_halide_library(CameraIspGen8 FROM CameraIspGen
                   GENERATOR CameraIspGenOutput
                   PARAMS Fast=false outputBpp=8)
add_halide_library(CameraIspGen16 FROM CameraIspGen
                  GENERATOR CameraIspGenOutput
                  PARAMS Fast=false outputBpp=16)
add_halide_library(CameraIspGenFast8 FROM CameraIspGen
                  GENERATOR CameraIspGenOutput
                  PARAMS Fast=true outputBpp=8)  
add_halide_library(CameraIspGenFast16 FROM CameraIspGen
                  GENERATOR CameraIspGenOutput
                  PARAMS Fast=true outputBpp=16)
# Create a custom target to build all Halide libraries
add_custom_target(BuildHalideLibs ALL
                 DEPENDS CameraIspGen8

# Optionally, add a post-build command to verify the generation of expected files
add_custom_command(TARGET BuildHalideLibs POST_BUILD
    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Verifying generated Halide libraries and header files:"
    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "All expected Halide libraries and header files have been generated.")

ADD_EXECUTABLE(Raw2Rgb source/camera_isp/Raw2Rgb.cpp )