halilb / react-native-textinput-effects

Text inputs with custom label and icon animations for iOS and android. Built with react native and inspired by Codrops.
MIT License
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Make the Padding configurable for better styling #18

Closed lakhman closed 5 years ago

lakhman commented 8 years ago


Great lib, can we make the padding and label height a prop so the user can configure the styling to their needs?

https://github.com/halilb/react-native-textinput-effects/blob/master/lib/Madoka.js#L12-L13 https://github.com/halilb/react-native-textinput-effects/blob/master/lib/Sae.js#L12-L13

The same goes for fontSize, I tried to pass it via a prop, but this is not possible as when merged is overridden.


The ability to style things more would be awesome. Thanks!

luco commented 7 years ago

+1 on this. Had to modify directly into node_modules.

halilb commented 5 years ago

Finally fixed with 9801f4b.