halilb / react-native-textinput-effects

Text inputs with custom label and icon animations for iOS and android. Built with react native and inspired by Codrops.
MIT License
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Fix separator style on Fumi #35

Closed ThePaulMcBride closed 7 years ago

ThePaulMcBride commented 7 years ago

Fixed issues where the separator was positioned at the top of the input instead of centered

halilb commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your contribution @ThePaulMcBride!

dzpt commented 7 years ago

Still got separator at the top of input with Fumi

dzpt commented 7 years ago

Have you guys fixed it? I install from main repo, still have wrong position of separator.

ThePaulMcBride commented 7 years ago

This is fixed, it just looks like it hasn't been released on NPM yet. Maybe @halilb can look at this?

Until then, you could install it directly from github. Check the npm docs on how to do this.

halilb commented 7 years ago

@ThePaulMcBride is right. That wasn't available on npm and I just published 0.4.0 release that contains this fix. You can use that version @Tom29.