halilb / react-native-textinput-effects

Text inputs with custom label and icon animations for iOS and android. Built with react native and inspired by Codrops.
MIT License
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TextInput secureTextEntry #50

Closed jsmac7014 closed 7 years ago

jsmac7014 commented 7 years ago

anyway i was trying to make your custom input as secrueTextEntry to make it as password input but for example

<Fumi label={'Password'} labelStyle={{ color: '#58595B' }} inputStyle={{ color: '#f95a25' }} iconClass={FontAwesomeIcon} iconColor={'#f95a25'} iconSize={15} secureTextEntry={true} />

this way didnt work so i look into your js(fumi.js) file added password to the const{}.this.props and to static propTypes as bool and then under the underlineColorAndroid added secureTextEntry={password}

i dont know why this way worked but it worked anyway with no error i want you to add this(passwordInput) to this awesome custom input

idk why but if i do that it's kinda laggy on android

Thank you and have a good day

halilb commented 7 years ago

Thanks for reporting @hdhc44!

52 is similar with this one. Let's track the problem in that issue.