halkar / Tesseract.Xamarin

Tesseract OCR wrapper for Xamarin
MIT License
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I'm using the sample code and it hangs #14

Closed DiegoGLagash closed 8 years ago

DiegoGLagash commented 8 years ago

When the SetImage method is called the operation never ends. The proress is not being updated. Is there an what is maximumRecognitionTime default? Do you know what might be happening?

halkar commented 8 years ago

I believe progress doesn't work well in the current version. I'm sorry, please don't use it.

halkar commented 8 years ago

Apart from the progress does the application hangs? If yes, on which platform? Device/emulator?

DiegoGLagash commented 8 years ago

iOS 8.4, on emulator. Is there any log/trace i can use to capture?

On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 6:44 PM, Artur Shamsutdinov < notifications@github.com> wrote:

Apart from the progress does the application hangs? If yes, on which platform? Device/emulator?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/halkar/Tesseract.Xamarin/issues/14#issuecomment-136055546 .

halkar commented 8 years ago

Could you provide me with a sample you are working with?