halkar / Tesseract.Xamarin

Tesseract OCR wrapper for Xamarin
MIT License
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iOS crash on Init() #54

Closed c-lamont closed 5 years ago

c-lamont commented 5 years ago

I am having trouble with await _tesseractApi.Init(“eng”);

I have tried everything but this silently kills the app.

In the Application output there is only one line that may reference the issue: actual_tessdata_num_entries_ <= TESSDATA_NUM_ENTRIES:Error:Assert failed:in file tessdatamanager.cpp, line 53

The file is definitely added: <BundleResource Include="Resources\tessdata\eng.traineddata" />

c-lamont commented 5 years ago

So I think the blog post link to download the files might have changed, or there needs to be more explanation on what files you need to download. I downloaded just the eng.traineddata file but turns out you need all of these: https://github.com/halkar/Tesseract.Xamarin/tree/master/Tesseract.Forms.Test/tessdata

halkar commented 5 years ago

Yes, you need all eng.* files.