halkyonio / hal

Easily create and manage Kubernetes applications using the Halkyon operator, made with ❤️ by the Halkyon team.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Permission denied when a zip project must be unzipped using docker hal #38

Open cmoulliard opened 5 years ago

cmoulliard commented 5 years ago


We get this error

FATA[0053] error running spring-boot: failed to download file /home/lab/fruit-client-sb.zip due to open /home/lab/fruit-client-sb.zip: permission denied

if we scaffold a hal component spring boot using a docker container

How to reproduce

docker run --rm --name hal -v "$(pwd)":/home/lab -it quay.io/halkyonio/hal:v0.1.7 bash
oc login --token=TOKEN

bash-5.0$ hal component spring-boot fruit-client-sb
? Spring Boot version 2.1.6.RELEASE
? Use 2.1.6.RELEASE supported version No
? Create from template Yes
? Available templates client
? Group Id me.fruitstand
? Artifact Id fruit-client-sb
? Version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
? Package name me.fruitstand.demo
FATA[0053] error running spring-boot: failed to download file /home/lab/fruit-client-sb.zip due to open /home/lab/fruit-client-sb.zip: permission denied
bash-5.0$ ls -la
total 8
drwxr-xr-x    1 1000     50              64 Sep 20 11:50 .
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          4096 Sep 20 11:51 ..
cmoulliard commented 5 years ago

here is the dockerfile used to create the image : https://github.com/halkyonio/hal/blob/master/build/Dockerfile