We can't start the operator if the plugins folder dont exist.
2020-01-20T14:34:46.072+0100 INFO cmd Go Version: go1.13.4
2020-01-20T14:34:46.073+0100 INFO cmd Go OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
2020-01-20T14:34:46.073+0100 INFO cmd Version of operator-sdk: v0.8.2
2020-01-20T14:34:46.073+0100 INFO cmd halkyon-operator version: Unset
2020-01-20T14:34:46.073+0100 INFO cmd halkyon-operator git commit: HEAD
2020-01-20T14:34:46.073+0100 INFO cmd watching namespace quarkus-demo
2020-01-20T14:34:48.779+0100 INFO cmd Registering Halkyon resources
2020-01-20T14:34:48.779+0100 INFO cmd Registering 3rd party resources
2020-01-20T14:34:48.780+0100 INFO cmd Loading plugins
panic: open /Users/dabou/Code/github/halkyon/operator/plugins: no such file or directory
goroutine 1 [running]:
/Users/dabou/Code/github/halkyon/operator/cmd/manager/main.go:144 +0x14db
We can't start the operator if the plugins folder dont exist.