I was able to run speedseq realign without issues on one node but when I submitted it as an array job it gave me seg fault towards the end. The error messages are as follows:
291167 Segmentation fault | /itmi/speedseq/0.1.2//bin/sambamba view -S -f bam -l 0 /dev/stdin
291168 Segmentation fault | /itmi/speedseq/0.1.2//bin/sambamba sort -t 16 -m 18G --tmpdir=/data/tmp/sample1//full -o /data/tmp/sample1//sample1.bam.1.bam /dev/stdin
I was able to run speedseq realign without issues on one node but when I submitted it as an array job it gave me seg fault towards the end. The error messages are as follows: 291167 Segmentation fault | /itmi/speedseq/0.1.2//bin/sambamba view -S -f bam -l 0 /dev/stdin 291168 Segmentation fault | /itmi/speedseq/0.1.2//bin/sambamba sort -t 16 -m 18G --tmpdir=/data/tmp/sample1//full -o /data/tmp/sample1//sample1.bam.1.bam /dev/stdin
Thanks for your help! Wendy