hallahan / LeafletPlayback

This is a Leaflet plug-in that plays back points that have a time stamp synchronized to a clock.
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Appending to Tracks #22

Open tchittick opened 9 years ago

tchittick commented 9 years ago


I am currently working on a project that live playback (short delay to allow for interpolation). I am curious if you currently have a method to add data to a Track and re-instantiate without loosing current position or if this is something that still needs to be built as mention in Issue #17.

Is this functionality you would like to see in Leaflet.Playback?

Thank you for writing this plugin as it has streamlined a large portion of my project.


hallahan commented 9 years ago

Hi @boatsoap,

Does addData not work for you? https://github.com/hallahan/LeafletPlayback#playbackadddatageojson

I'm open to adding functionality. If you don't impede the current functionality and I test it to see if it works, I typically merge pull requests. A working example / demo is always appreciated as well.

tchittick commented 9 years ago

That was my initial through and I am sorry I was not more clear in my first message. addData adds another track to the playback Object. I am looking to append data (coordinates and timestamp) to an existing track. For example:

var playback = new L.Playback(map, tillicum, null, playbackOptions);

I now have two objects in playback._trackController._tracks.

hallahan commented 9 years ago

Ah, I see. I think this is a good feature to add. Let me know if you need any help.

tchittick commented 9 years ago

Hey @hallahan ,

For the near-term (at least Dec) I have created a workaround for my specific project. It currently only uses L.Playback.MoveableMarker. I will work on this feature in the future as a "streaming video" module for leaflet could be rather useful.

Thank You

hallahan commented 9 years ago

Awesome! I'm liking what I hear. I've worked a bit with adaptive bit rate video streaming standards when making video players years ago. I'd recommend looking at DASH for inspiration:


I'm not saying you should have adaptive bit rates, that makes no sense. However, the idea of having an itinerary, probably JSON in our case, showing the segments of tracks to request, would go along with how video players work.