hallahan / LeafletPlayback

This is a Leaflet plug-in that plays back points that have a time stamp synchronized to a clock.
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Slider control unresponsive after loading new tracks #41

Open tomaberta opened 8 years ago

tomaberta commented 8 years ago


I am having this issue regarding the slider (I am currently testing on example 2 - the one that is created in the html code): I add the data to the map, the track is working - it shows all my coordinates, the POI image is showing, but the slider is sort of disabled. I used the 'playback.addData' function, but I cannot scroll at all the slider's button to move around the POI icon.

Have you encountered this ? If you did, how did you surpass this problem?

1000 thanks in advance. Berta

hallahan commented 8 years ago

Sometimes the slider acts funny if the original tracks take place in a very different time than the tracks that you have added.

efabian1 commented 7 years ago

you must change this on line 987 aprox this._map.fire('playback:set:data'); to this this._map.fire('playback:add_tracks');

weshinsley commented 7 years ago

Thanks efabian1 - that answered my question on this; the slider max/min didn't get reset when I cleared/re-added GeoJSON sets.