hallahan / LeafletPlayback

This is a Leaflet plug-in that plays back points that have a time stamp synchronized to a clock.
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browser timeout error #88

Closed Aycaa closed 4 months ago

Aycaa commented 9 months ago

Hello, first of all, thank you for the plugin. I'm trying to use it in my project, but when I keep the time intervals long, I get a timeout error. I put the onPlaybackTimeChange method on hold and add the js file I used. Thanks in advance :)

var drive = { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [34.7175670000, 38.1430620000], [37.3201310000, 37.0518590000], [37.3747260000, 37.0663830000], [33.0278610000, 39.2302840000], [32.8029767000, 39.7917691000], [32.8048990000, 39.7414120000], [32.7866010000, 39.7820520000], [32.6993770000, 39.8752970000], [32.6497260000, 39.9637790000], [32.6280800000, 39.9675700000], [32.6314000000, 39.9663600000], [32.6968700000, 39.9536990000], [32.8062550000, 39.9532190000], [32.8803730000, 39.9584160000], [32.6314000000, 39.9663600000], [32.6968700000, 39.9536990000], [32.8062550000, 39.9532190000], [32.8803730000, 39.9584160000]
] }, "properties": { "path_options" : { "color" : "red" }, "title" : "dasd", "time": [ 1681821744000, 1681913562000, 1682006738000, 1682105918000, 1682858723000, 1685577863000, 1685579458000, 1685579728000, 1685580174000, 1685581452000, 1685582150000, 1685582230000, 1685583447000, 1685583648000, 1685583956000, 1685584296000, 1685583447000, 1685583648000, 1685583956000, 1685584296000 ] } };