hallamlab / metapathways2

MetaPathways v2.0: A master-worker model for environmental Pathway/Genome Database construction on grids and clouds
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Skipping [NO INPUT]! #17

Closed sunitj closed 9 years ago

sunitj commented 9 years ago

I was testing my install of metapathways2 and trying to compare the results with the older version. The job is still running but, here are a few things I'm noticing:

Has anyone else come across anything similar? My best guess is that the python script can't find prodigal, but I don't see an error message regarding this directly.

Please let me know if there is anything else that I can post here that would help.

Here are the STDOUT from both the runs.

MetaPathways 1 - STDOUT

[sunitj@vondamm MP1Test]$ MetaPathways.py -i INPUT/ -o OUTPUT/ -c template_config.txt -p template_param.txt -r overwrite

  **************** Running  MetaPathways ******************* 

1. Running Quality Check ......... Success!

2. Running Orf Prediction ......... Success!

3. Creating the Amino Acid sequences ......... Success!

4. Creating the filtered fasta sequences ......... Success!

5. Computing refscores for the ORFs ......... Success!

6. Blasting  ORFs against reference database - metacyc-v5-2011-10-21 ......... Success!

                                               COG_2013-02-05 ....

MetaPathways 2 (2.4.5) - STDOUT

[sunitj@cayman MP2Test]$ python /scratch/sunitj/MP2/MetaPathways.py -i INPUT/ -o OUTPUT_cmd/ -c /scratch/sunitj/MP2/config/template_config.txt -p /scratch/sunitj/MP2/config/template_param.txt -r overwrite -s test --runid cmd1
COMMAND : /scratch/sunitj/MP2/MetaPathways.py -i INPUT/ -o OUTPUT_cmd/ -c /scratch/sunitj/MP2/config/template_config.txt -p /scratch/sunitj/MP2/config/template_param.txt -r overwrite -s test --runid cmd1
FIX ME: diagnoze

PREPROCESSING THE INPUT                                     ..... Success!
ORF PREDICTION                                              ..... Success!
CREATING AMINO ACID SEQS FROM GFF FILE                      ..... Skipping [NO INPUT]!
FILTER AMINO ACID SEQS                                      ..... Skipping [NO INPUT]!
COMPUTING REFSCORES FOR BITSCORE                            ..... Skipping [NO INPUT]!
BLASTING AMINO SEQS AGAINST COG_2013-12-27                  ..... Skipping [NO INPUT]!
PARSING BLAST OUTPUT FOR COG_2013-12-27                     ..... Skipping [NO INPUT]!
SCANNING FOR rRNA USING DB LSURef_115_tax_silva_2013-12-12  ..... Success!
SCANNING FOR tRNA USING tRNA-Scan                           ..... Success!
ANNOTATE ORFS                                               ..... Skipping [NO INPUT]!
PATHOLOGIC INPUT                                            ..... Skipping [NO INPUT]!
GENBANK FILE                                                ..... Skipping [NO INPUT]!
CREATING REPORT FILE FOR ORF ANNOTATION                     ..... Skipping [NO INPUT]!
RUNNING MLTREEMAP                                           
nielshanson commented 9 years ago

Hi there,

Sorry for the late reply, were you able to get this resolved? We've been continuously developing this software and I've spend the last day or two testing the current version for a release of v2.5. I can't seem to replicate your error.

Would you mind taking a pull of the latest code to see if this is still a problem? It also helps to run MetaPathways in verbose mode with -v which prints out the python commands to standard out.

Generally, [NO INPUT] problems are generally caused by not having all the files in MetaPathways_DBs, but it could also the code is changing quite rapidly.

Let me know how it goes.

Thanks, Niels

nielshanson commented 9 years ago

Found the gbk, rRNA, and RPKM [No Input] problems. See commit 81100ea9b2