Open geologic opened 3 years ago
Well, i made some progress. It seems WiringPi is not compatible with raspberry pi 4, so i had to update it:
cd /tmp
sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb
After reboot i see TX/RX led fast blink 5 times, repeating it 3 times. After that TX/RX is always on. Is this a normal behavior? From CPP code i see that it should blink when receiving a packet, does it mean that is constantly receiving data? Also it should blink 5 times on startup but only once, not 3 times...
The other LED is not used anymore? It is tied to GPIO24 (WiringPi 5), but i didn't find any mention to it on CPP code...
I just build a LorasPI PCB V1.2a and installed Single Channel LoRaWAN Gateway on a Raspberry Pi 4. I think gateway is running ok, terminal shows
and i can see it online on TTN dashboard.
The problem is none of the leds light up, at least LED shouldn't be on? I already checked led polarity or any missing solder/bad components.
Any idea?