hallatore / Netling

Netling is a load tester client for easy web testing.
MIT License
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Are you accepting pull requests? #29

Closed bunceg closed 5 years ago

bunceg commented 5 years ago

I've made a few custom changes to Netling to accept different HTTP methods, authentication tokens etc. via the console app but I've not done this via the WPF because (a) I don't use it and (b) I don't really do any WPF development.

If I created a pull request would you integrate them into the master branch or are you not really interested in handling these kinds of additional features (additional work for you to manage etc)?

ErikSchierboom commented 5 years ago

@hallatore I'm also interested in if you accept PR's.

hallatore commented 5 years ago


It's been a bit slow here in the anticipation of .NET Core 3.0 and stuff like span/memory.

I'm not really accepting new features as I want to keep the initial version as clean/small as possible. Still want to rewrite part of the app. Maybe test out pipelines.