hallvard / plantuml

Embed UML diagrams in files and view them in Eclipse
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State Diagram incorrect rendering issues #29

Closed jparker324 closed 7 years ago

jparker324 commented 7 years ago

Using the test text below, I have included two issues that I have observed. I apologize for the complexity of the test case, but I reduced it as much as possible where I could.

@startuml title test for improper rendering

[*] --> s0

state group0{ s0 -right-> s1: o s1 --> s2 : p s1 --> s3 : q s2 --> s1 : r s3 --> s1 : s s2 --> s3 : t }

state group1{ s0 --> s4 : a s4 --> s7 : b s7 --> s8 : c s8 --> s5 : d s5 --> s7 : e s9 --> s7 : f s8 --> s7 : g s8 --> s6 : h s6 --> s8 : i s6 --> s6 : j s5 --> s6 : k s6 --> s5 : l

'this line works
s8 --> s8 : a\nb
'but this next line causes a dot.exe error when using the eclipse plugin.  Running the plantuml.jar file from outside eclipse renders te line fine.  It seems to be related to the second newline and not the length of the text
's8 --> s8 : a\nb\nc


group1 --> s1 : m group0 --> s7 : n

'ISSUE 2 'this next transition line when uncommented causes the group1 box to become large and then renders the transition arrow, but not the text for the transition 'to be clear the .jar file also incorrectly sizes the group1 box, but it does render the text to the right of the arrow. 'group1 --> group1 : sample text that is not rendered and the width of the group1 to the left is expanded proportionally to the length of this text.............................


Reference info just in case...

PlantUML Ecore Feature net.sourceforge.plantuml.ecore.feature.feature.group PlantUML Team PlantUML Feature net.sourceforge.plantuml.feature.feature.group PlantUML Team PlantUML Library Feature net.sourceforge.plantuml.lib.feature.feature.group PlantUML Team

The environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT has not been set Dot executable is c:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe Dot version: dot - graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041) Installation seems OK. File generation OK

hallvard commented 7 years ago

Can you check the source view, and see if it gives any clue to what's going on? It should show what source source text is passed to the library.

jparker324 commented 7 years ago

If I uncomment the line, it simply shows the line as I have it above but without the quote ' character. when the dot.exe crashes, the PlantUML window says this...

test for improper rendering An error has occured! some funny text here

For some reason, dot/Graphviz has crashed. This has been generated with PlantUML (7997).

You should send this diagram and this image to plantuml@gmail.com to solve this issue. You can try to turn arround this issue by simplifying your diagram.

hallvard commented 7 years ago

Does this also happen in the PlantUML source view?

hallvard commented 7 years ago

The last comment was a mistake... I'll check it out after the Easter-holiday. In the meantime, could you try the latest release?

jparker324 commented 7 years ago

The "PlantUML Source" view always looks like a true interpretation of the original text. All the errors seem to be in the rendered image "PlantUML" view. Also, I'm not ruling out it's something local in my system or setup. I have not had a colleague confirm the defect.

arnaudroques commented 7 years ago

This has been generated with PlantUML (7997).

It looks like you have an old version of PlantUML.

Your example seems to work on the online server: http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/uml/NP4_JyCm4CNtzobkYuGKAU4_7L0N1kQAYJAahPkO9dOuNyM0-EwS4t4HJ4-_U-TxFdkTf64v3pt4I-z8N18wHYO_Z1n7nyGk71pxq0Al5szKbe-KAa3FYQEMutcilf0gAjctdMItNb54gkVMIrhHQ7Ibz04jJbGhCRHebCpBdOBlFq7r79JjQxKRg4nqfxI3oaJtIdkeJ7IZT82ATJgaXuMErfcfDRfLwg1YCxrHzjvjPgQJUJcl1uhdpURbYMeKqlb4lG-EFYEV4ehVX3opsOOT_XUsOO-y-hpqyZh3NAcMwmQizNlq-tu0

Could you try to update your plugin ? Thanks

jparker324 commented 7 years ago

This was the solution. I had tried to update to the latest version before, but I had another plugin with the older version of PlantUML that it was using first for some reason. I re-updated and removed the other plugin manually and now both issues are resolved. The "group1" box is still oversized, but that's clearly not an issue with the Eclipse plugin. Thanks for your help.

PlantUML Ecore Feature net.sourceforge.plantuml.ecore.feature.feature.group PlantUML Team PlantUML Feature net.sourceforge.plantuml.feature.feature.group PlantUML Team PlantUML Library Feature net.sourceforge.plantuml.lib.feature.feature.group PlantUML Team