hallzy / youtube-playlist-search

A Chrome Extension to search Youtube Playlists for Videos
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"Error: couldn't retrieve YouTube API Auth Token" - Spent 2 hours to no avail #15

Closed BlohoJo closed 7 months ago

BlohoJo commented 7 months ago

I'm getting this error on Chromium version 101.0.4951.54 (Official Build) (64-bit).

I followed the instructions on the main page exactly.

Edited manifest.json and pasted in client_id. Checked over and over and I'm sure it's entered correctly. Developer mode is enabled and extension is loaded with no errors.




gc_004     gc_005

Tried entering youtube.com and google.com under "Authorized domains" on "OAuth consent screen", made no difference.

Can't figure out what I could be doing wrong, unless the extension simply isn't working anymore.

BlohoJo commented 7 months ago

Solution: Chromium Settings -> You and Google -> Sync and Google Services -> Turn on "Allow Chromium sign-in".