hallzy / youtube-playlist-search

A Chrome Extension to search Youtube Playlists for Videos
71 stars 7 forks source link

[suggestion] About publishing extension. #3

Closed ilovefreesw closed 3 years ago

ilovefreesw commented 3 years ago

I read you don't want to publish to Chrome web store because they charge 5 dollars registration fees. But what about Microsft Edge and Firefox? They are free. Can publish it there? Right ?


hallzy commented 3 years ago

Before I go further, I don't have a single windows computer in my house and I moved to linux back in the Vista days. So I have never used Edge. I also don't use Firefox... so my knowledge of the 2 may not all be there.

I also don't have, and never have had a Mac, so I've also never used Safari (You didn't ask about safari, but while I am here I thought I'd mention it)


The extension system for Firefox is different enough to chrome that my extension would not work on Firefox as is.

Specifically, the declarativeContent API, and the identity.getAuthToken api.

I am by no means an expert on extension development (this is the first and only extension I have ever made), but from a quick google search it doesn't even look like you can get auth tokens for things like the youtube api in firefox

if I can't get auth tokens for the youtube api, then there is nothing I can do about Firefox.

I also don't use firefox as mentioned earlier, so naturally it would be less tested, since I wouldn't be using it everyday in firefox


In theory, edge should be easy since it is a fork of the chromium project. I haven't seen any mention of a registration fee either.

However, Edge would get absolutely 0 testing from me because I do not have access to the browser. So any bugs found by others that exist just in edge will be effectively impossible for me to fix alone.

I wouldn't even know if it even worked at all right after submission.


You didn't ask but thought I would mention it anyways. I know far less about safari than even Edge (which is saying a lot).

I have absolutely no idea how compatible safari is with chrome extensions (my guess would be, not at all), and same issue as with edge. It would see absolutely 0 testing from me, and any bugs that came up specific to safari would be very hard for me to fix.

Suleman-Elahi commented 1 year ago

Can publish to Edge Addons now. It's free and not as strict as Chrome developer dashboard. Also, can submit it to Opera Store.