halogenica / beautifulhugo

Theme for the Hugo static website generator
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Beautifulhugo is not rendered as expected on Firefox/Chromium #498

Open Titikomba opened 4 weeks ago

Titikomba commented 4 weeks ago

The live demo is not rendered as expected on Firefox/Chromium image instead of image

It is still working correctly on my phone (Safari).

I observe the same behavior on my local website.

UPDATE. It turns out that, depending on the system theme (light/dark), Chromium and Firefox trigger the dark-theme version of websites. This is their new default behavior. I do not know if there is a way to force light-mode from the html/css side.

mansoorbarri commented 2 weeks ago

there is no way as of no to set the theme. It detects system settings and applies that theme, as seen in this main.css

hydr0nium commented 1 week ago

@Titikomba You can patch it out pretty easily. I modified my version such that it only loads the light mode version. I plan on submitting a pull request that disables this automatic dark mode, but for now it's just a dirty patch that works. You need to put the file into the static/css directory: main.css

Edit: I just added a pull request with a feature that lets you disable automatic dark mode #500. Hope that helps some

Titikomba commented 1 week ago

@hydr0nium Thanks for your patch proposition. I already worked out a dirty solution (commenting the dark-theme part :sweat_smile: ), but I think being able to toggle it is better :)