halorgium / rack-client

A client wrapper around a rack app or live-http
MIT License
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Travis-CI all the Rubies #14

Closed benburkert closed 11 years ago

benburkert commented 11 years ago

Seems to be passing on everything but 1.8.7 of MRI.


halorgium commented 11 years ago

We could ignore 1.8.7 for the moment.

benburkert commented 11 years ago

sounds good to me, it seems to be failing due to some weird difference that's only in 1.8.7 of MRI. There is weird call to_proc on the caller stack that doesn't show up for any other rubies. You can test it out by running the specs on the 187-bug branch.

benburkert commented 11 years ago

You can see it here: https://travis-ci.org/halorgium/rack-client/builds/4699579

My guess is that a change in rack is triggering this bug: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4721708/is-this-a-bug-in-methodto-proc-ruby-1-8-7

benburkert commented 11 years ago

The EmHttp handler tests have been disabled on MRI 1.8.7 and everything looks good, merging.

halorgium commented 11 years ago
