halostorm / PCAT_open_source

PointCloud Annotation Tools, support to label object bound box, ground, lane and kerb
406 stars 125 forks source link

sh run.sh报错,求指教 #11

Open bluesliuf opened 3 years ago

bluesliuf commented 3 years ago


liufan@liufan-Latitude-5401:~/lf/PCAT_open_source$ sh run.sh ... logging to /home/liufan/.ros/log/3daba2a2-cd81-11ea-aab5-d81265607069/roslaunch-liufan-Latitude-5401-2505.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://liufan-Latitude-5401:33429/



NODES / annotation_rviz (rviz/rviz) rviz_cloud_annotation_node (rviz_cloud_annotation/rviz_cloud_annotation_node)

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [2516] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

setting /run_id to 3daba2a2-cd81-11ea-aab5-d81265607069 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [2537] started core service [/rosout] process[rviz_cloud_annotation_node-2]: started with pid [2551] process[annotation_rviz-3]: started with pid [2555] [ INFO] [1595576556.328958035]: rviz_cloud_annotation: log file: /home/liufan/lidar_annotation/annotation.log [ INFO] [1595576556.332331921]: rviz_cloud_annotation: files exist: [ INFO] [1595576556.332349826]: rviz_cloud_annotation: file_now: /home/liufan/lidar_annotation/pcd/64line.pcd [ INFO] [1595576556.332984021]: rviz_cloud_annotation: expected pcd format: XYZI [ INFO] [1595576556.372402471]: rviz version 1.12.17 [ INFO] [1595576556.372458049]: compiled against Qt version 5.5.1 [ INFO] [1595576556.372476580]: compiled against OGRE version 1.9.0 (Ghadamon) [ INFO] [1595576556.381090521]: rviz_cloud_annotation: cloud size: 110090 [ INFO] [1595576556.452981129]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED [ INFO] [1595576556.453053413]: OpenGl version: 3 (GLSL 1.3). [ INFO] [1595576556.467749982]: rviz_cloud_annotation: building point neighborhood... ================================================================================REQUIRED process [annotation_rviz-3] has died! process has died [pid 2555, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/rviz/rviz -d /home/liufan/lf/PCAT_open_source/src/rviz_cloud_annotation/rviz/annotation.rviz __name:=annotation_rviz __log:=/home/liufan/.ros/log/3daba2a2-cd81-11ea-aab5-d81265607069/annotation_rviz-3.log]. log file: /home/liufan/.ros/log/3daba2a2-cd81-11ea-aab5-d81265607069/annotation_rviz-3*.log Initiating shutdown!

[annotation_rviz-3] killing on exit [rviz_cloud_annotation_node-2] killing on exit [rosout-1] killing on exit [master] killing on exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete done

zzqjh commented 2 years ago


fgqile commented 2 years ago

