halpz / HalpoPlayer

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[Issue] Client crashes when attempting to view or listen to downloaded albums without a Wi-Fi connection #18

Open Optekah opened 6 months ago

Optekah commented 6 months ago

Howdy :)

Albums get downloaded and cached properly from what I can tell, no problems there.

When I leave the house, and lose my Wi-Fi connection, I am unable to click on any of the downloaded albums. As soon as I do, the entire app instantly hard crashes every time. In the Downloads tab, there are two columns, one being Albums and the other Songs. When I browse the Songs tab, the app is stable, and I can listen to music on the go. It's only when I click on an album from the albums tab.

It should be noted that this doesn't happen when I am connected to a Wi-Fi network. Not that there is any reason to view and listen to downloaded music in the house when I have access to my Navidrome server over Wi-Fi, but I digress. It is stable in that scenario, without fail.

Honestly this is the snappiest, cleanest iOS client I could find for Navidrome. A few fixes here and there and some new features and it will be leaps and bounds better than literally everything else out there. Let me know if you need any more info. I am not the brightest of the bunch and I don't know jack about coding but I'll try my best to help in any average user type of way.

Thanks for the hard work put into this client!

Navidrome v0.50.2 (823bef54) Unraid 6.12.4 Halpo 1.0.8 iOS 17.1.2 iPhone XR

halpz commented 5 months ago

thanks, I will look into it when I get a chance!