halpz / HalpoPlayer

MIT License
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[Question] Is HalpoPlayer dead? #21

Closed Optekah closed 3 months ago

Optekah commented 4 months ago

Hey, just checking back in since my last visit back in 2023. I have a handful of enhancements, suggestions, and bugs that come to mind, but from what I can tell, all development has been ceased for many months now. Not sure how much drive I have to open a bunch of issues if this the end of the line.

Is there any plans at all to continue on with this project?


ema07cqc commented 4 months ago

Yeah it seems like the creator is focused on other things because the project looks abandoned. It’s a shame because the app is great, I use it all the time; but of course it needs some refinements.

mbaiti commented 4 months ago

So sad. Would love to see further development!

snppls commented 3 months ago

I just discovered this app after testing different navidrome players for the last few months. This is the only one that nails the user interface for a music app. Editing playlists and adding songs to the queue is all that is needed to make it perfect. Would love for development to continue!!!

halpz commented 3 months ago

Hello! it's not dead - I've just had a busy few months - but I do intent to return to it !