haltakov / simple-photo-gallery

Beautiful and simple photo galleries that help you tell your story. Free and open-source.
MIT License
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Make gallery with default name values #108

Closed chookity-pokk closed 3 years ago

chookity-pokk commented 3 years ago

I am basically writing this thing to make a gallery with this library at the push of a button but the issue I am having is that when the button is pressed it runs the gallery-init in the background but that requires a user input for name values. Is there then a way to run that and just have it automatically assign the default values without question? Not a bug really but I couldn't find an email address to send one out and I don't have a Twitter account so this was the only way to reach out. In short though, what I am looking to do is run a subprocess which runs gallery-init, gallery-build and then open the html with the click of a button but the issue seems to be that this won't work because gallery-init needs more inputs from the user.

haltakov commented 3 years ago

This is theoretically possible, but not easy to implement... Let me do a quick fix to add a parameter to do this.

haltakov commented 3 years ago

If you want to contact me per e-mail just use my (first name).(last name)@gmail.com

haltakov commented 3 years ago

OK, the feature is now available in version 1.5.1. I documented the usage here: https://github.com/haltakov/simple-photo-gallery/blob/master/doc/Usage.md#skip-questions-on-the-console

Basically, you can just call it like this:

gallery-init --use-defaults

I will appreciate it if you drop me an e-mail with some more information on how you are using the gallery. It will be interesting to me to see because I have some ideas for version 2.0.0 :) Thank you!

(first name).(last name)@gmail.com