haltakov / simple-photo-gallery

Beautiful and simple photo galleries that help you tell your story. Free and open-source.
MIT License
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Generate images from subfolders #122

Open paulocoutinhox opened 1 year ago

paulocoutinhox commented 1 year ago


How to generate images from all folder inside public/images/photos/**?

It don't generate from subfolders.

Will be nice separate galleries by subfolder.


haltakov commented 1 year ago

This is not possible right now. It definitly makes sense, but I just don' have any free time to implement it right now

hille721 commented 1 year ago

Hi @paulocoutinhox,

I had a similar use case a time ago and build https://github.com/hille721/simple-photo-gallery-bulkcreation. It's kind of an extension to this project which makes it possible to create a galery out of more folders. Didn't spend to much time into it as @haltakov already mentioned that this feature will come in the future, but at least it works 🤷

Thus feel free to test.