haltakov / simple-photo-gallery

Beautiful and simple photo galleries that help you tell your story. Free and open-source.
MIT License
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Remove exif data #92

Closed tyeeman closed 3 years ago

tyeeman commented 3 years ago

Great work here, I love it! Just wondering how to remove "Olympus Digital Camera" from showing up on my images? Edit the template somewhere??

haltakov commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I'm glad you like it!

There are a couple of ways to achieve what you want.

1. Remove the image alt attribute: You can edit the templates/gallery_macros.jinja file and remote the description from the alt attribute. This is the exact row in the example gallery: https://github.com/haltakov/simple-photo-gallery/blob/451b1c6a7f1911de238e1108fe9cdd675b4e55aa/examples/gallery_usa_simple/templates/gallery_macros.jinja#L13

2. Remove the reading of the description from the JS code: Remove this line from the public/js/main.js https://github.com/haltakov/simple-photo-gallery/blob/451b1c6a7f1911de238e1108fe9cdd675b4e55aa/examples/gallery_usa_simple/public/js/main.js#L9

3. Use exiftool to remove the descriptions from your photos: Download exiftool and run this command. It will remove the ImageDescription metadata from your files. Be aware that this will modify your images, so better make a backup.

exiftool -ImageDescription="" public/images/photos/* -overwrite_original

4. Option to deactivate the generation of the captions. If you want I can also easily add an option to not create the captions. Do you think it will be useful?

tyeeman commented 3 years ago

Yes, please add an option to not create the captions (leave text blank), but leave the line where we can enter them at any time.

Like this in "images_data.json" > "description": "",

We can add the text anytime between the quotes.