halvors / Nuclear-Physics

Nuclear Physics is a mod that brings in realistic, world-based technological advancement experience into Minecraft.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Quantum Assembler not consuming Dark Matter #27

Open ZHENGLOC opened 6 years ago

ZHENGLOC commented 6 years ago

It seems that Quantum Assembler can copy items or blocks with NBT, which is a very bad design, because it can be used to quickly copy items, just like copying an AE cell, and the items stored in the cell are also copied. https://i.imgur.com/qM2OON3.png Quantum Assembler does not seem to need dark matter to work, it may be a bug. https://i.imgur.com/gZ2bWvD.jpg

halvors commented 6 years ago

@Thanks for reporting. Been a loong time since i've looked into the Quantum assenbler, so probably needs a haulover.

I agree that copying NBT is a bad design, will rewrite so that it only copys the item itself.

halvors commented 6 years ago

Continuing the redesign process of qunatum assembler to not copy NBT data in #29. Addressing the issue that Quantum Assembler doesn't need Dark Matter in order to work under 1.7.10 here in this issue.

halvors commented 6 years ago

@nictrace Can you look into this?

nictrace commented 6 years ago

ok, let's see today

halvors commented 5 years ago

@nictrace Is this fixed? Should we close this issue?

halvors commented 5 years ago

@nictrace Any update on this, this was fixed and tested right?