halvors / Nuclear-Physics

Nuclear Physics is a mod that brings in realistic, world-based technological advancement experience into Minecraft.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Game crash every time i enter a world #33

Closed collwee closed 5 years ago

collwee commented 6 years ago

crashlog https://gist.github.com/collwee/7aa96d8900740b3d030baf75a5b22846 log https://gist.github.com/collwee/3126f07f1cf95f9ae1743240c704fea8

it happened when i was travelling in a world and it crashed and every time i try to reenter the world it crash.

i don't know if that help but the crash happened when entering a magical forest biomes from thaumcraft.

collwee commented 6 years ago

after testing again it seams to happen in every new world that i create

collwee commented 6 years ago

this issue look related but for me it happen in 1.12.2 https://github.com/halvors/Nuclear-Physics/issues/22

halvors commented 6 years ago

@collwee Is it crashing when creating a new world without a particle accelerator as well?

collwee commented 6 years ago


collwee commented 6 years ago

@halvors i have sent to you on discord a link of my modpack. it will crash every time you try to enter a world

halvors commented 6 years ago

@collwee I'm having a hard time reproducing this crash, does it crash in SinglePlayer or do you run a server?

collwee commented 6 years ago


collwee commented 6 years ago

@halvors the only thing that could change between the modpack that i send you would be the java version im using java 8 update 171 released on April 17. on what java update are you running ?

halvors commented 6 years ago

@collwee Same as you, i'll look into this when i have some spare time :)

halvors commented 6 years ago

@collwee Can you try running only Nuclear-Physics and an other mod on the same world? (Just remember to take a backup of it first as all blocks from other mods will dissapear).

I cannot reproduce you're issue with my test environment.

halvors commented 6 years ago

@collwee Have you experienced this with the latest release? I have a hard time reproducing this now...

nictrace commented 6 years ago

nuclearphysics.common.entity.EntityParticle saving to NBT crashes with NullPointer

halvors commented 6 years ago

@nictrace Have you managed to reproduce this? Couldn't make it crash in my test environment...

nictrace commented 6 years ago

I can't. Topic starter has many mods, some of them seems to have errors too

halvors commented 5 years ago

@nictrace Then we'll mark this as solved. @collwee Feel free to open a new issue if this still is a problem on latest version of the mod and Forge.