ham-radio-software / D-Rats

D-Rats program for D-Star Ham Radios
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File Sending Slow #261

Closed KP4AJ closed 9 months ago

KP4AJ commented 9 months ago

Hi John and Developers: When connected via Internet (both repeater and client) I notice sending files is very slow. Test file was just 143kb (had to close the software). File sending should take advantage of the connection. Not sure if it is related with latest changes.

Setup: D-Rats client 3.10 beta 5, repeater using latest code. Could be wrong but file sending was faster previous builds, I think.


Edfel KP4AJ

wb8tyw commented 9 months ago

The d-rats client is coded for half duplex communications, even for the internet connections.

There has been no change in this from the 0.3 to present master. There probably not be any updates to the 0.3 branch for the Python 2 version.

Operating system and library speed, and internet speed may vary, and transferring files of over a few kb over a radio link will take a considerable amount of time.

KP4AJ commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the clarification John. Closing.

73' Edfel KP4AJ