ham-radio-software / D-Rats

D-Rats program for D-Star Ham Radios
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rado port information stored in a text string, not a dictionary #269

Open wb8tyw opened 9 months ago

wb8tyw commented 9 months ago

The radio port information is currently stored internally as a string instead of a dictionary.

This allow users to enter in invalid information that can break the parsing of the string.

This also makes it harder to add attributes for the setting the connection.

The serial port connections need settings for software xon/xoff, DSR signal handling, RTS/CTS Handling, and other enhancements.

wb8tyw commented 1 month ago

Put a coma in the radio name field, and you have to edit the config file by hand because d-rats can not parse the string.

Putting in a long name steals screen space from the chat input buffer area. Even if you are using a ratfector with a shorter name.

And no way to rename a ratflector once you have given it a long name.