hama3254 / Crunchyroll-Downloader-v3.0

Downloader for Crunchyroll
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CR Dub changes #677

Closed hama3254 closed 1 year ago

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

As reported in #673 Crunchyroll added the option to change the audio. grafik The old API requests still work but if any of the request chain fails then the fallback only finds single episodes not series due to the changes made from CR.

Example old APIs still work https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52826614/213502781-ff8d1d91-cd24-48f2-a082-696ca5b4def6.mp4
tormento commented 1 year ago

@hama3254 please add the capability to download multiple audio tracks at the same time, if possible, now that they unified the seasons.

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

@tormento my priority is getting it to work, then CR still has full videos so i would have to download the video and audio to just get the audio for each version.

Rayxcer commented 1 year ago

It appears that I can't download/search for multiple episodes of a series. I always get the error 1091, the log shows the following: CurlAuth-E: curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 403 This comes with every series I tried so far, for example: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GY1XX0N0Y/black-clover-dubs or https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRVNMG93Y/log-horizon

I hope this helps you somewhat.

I thank you for all your hard work. Is there a way to buy you a coffee or something?

EDIT: I forgot to mention, downloading single episodes works (and worked in 1.13.1 also).

ghost commented 1 year ago

CurlAuth-E: curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 403

same here

alt text

ghost commented 1 year ago

after a short time another error comes with framework

alt text

Mytic-Slander commented 1 year ago

here it appears for individual download image

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

fix is uploaded, some codepaths use the cookie value different.

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

@Mytic-Slander please check your login inside the build in webbrowser. if that is as it should be then add the data from the CRD-Log grafik

Mytic-Slander commented 1 year ago

@Mytic-Slanderpor favor, verifique seu login dentro da compilação no webbrowser. se for assim, adicione os dados do CRD-Log gráfico

Now it's working, thanks image

ghost commented 1 year ago

sometimes this error occurs:

alt text

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Setolein commented 1 year ago


after i changed the Version from 3.13 to 3.14.1 there are some errors curl errors and so on maybe crunchyroll makes the next changes with drm


hama3254 commented 1 year ago

sometimes this error occurs:

alt text

alt text

@Boshouko how often does that happen ?

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

@Setolein not the real solution but you can ignoring the curl error with the --insecure option. grafik

ghost commented 1 year ago

sometimes this error occurs: alt text alt text

@Boshouko how often does that happen ?

Im not sure maybe every 30 mins or 1 hour

Edit: ich hatte es etwas länger im Hintergrund offen und hab dann irgendwann versucht was runterzuladen. Dann kam der Fehler. Habe es nochmal getestet und es kam auch dann wieder.

AnAppleInABox commented 1 year ago

I can only download a max of 12 episodes at a time (as set) but when a download finishes no more episodes will begin to download. When I close the add video video and open it again I can't download anything else without reopening the program.

Setolein commented 1 year ago

@Setolein not the real solution but you can ignoring the curl error with the --insecure option.

image ![grafik](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52826614/209685530-69bd918d-7170-4ed3-a576-8c5a4c5db820.png)

i know i tried that but its the same problem and it doesn't find the real name for the season i'm actually try to download the new episodes from the new Winter Season of all ne Animes

Grangorian commented 1 year ago

I get an error that only comes when I try to download an episode from "The Fruit of Evolution: Before I Knew It, My Life Had It Made" CRDproblem01


And after that it shows way to many first seasons, but not the second season I was looking for.


I tried a few other anime and they don't have this problem. I also have the problem Setolein reported. It doesn't show the name of the season but the download works just fine for me.

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

i know i tried that but its the same problem and it doesn't find the real name for the season i'm actually try to download the new episodes from the new Winter Season of all ne Animes

according the curl documentation This option makes curl skip the verification step so it should ignorte the certificate and the issue with it. and the other thing works fine for me, i would nee more data on that to find any potential issues.

image ![grafik](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52826614/213887957-f59d606b-e052-40de-bc8f-824e96d4f55d.png)
hama3254 commented 1 year ago

@Grangorian the error come from the fact that is is a season with null versions and the others are some combination from the old and new style so the downloader added all of them.. a small update for that has been released.

lucky1804 commented 1 year ago

Are there any plans to support downloading multiple audio tracks as one video (without reencoding of course)

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

@lucky1804 No, Dubs are still individual episodes that they now just hide. This means i had to download the same epiode fully (video+audio) for each dub and then combine the audio tracks to the first downloaded video.

LorenorZorro3000 commented 1 year ago

Hallo @hama3254

Wenn ich zum Beispiel die Serie https://www.crunchyroll.com/de/series/G60XNJW4R/monster-girl-doctor herunterladen will, dann läuft ein Timer von 30 Sekunden ab und es sagt Status: Nothing found und gibt diese Fehlermeldung aus:

Screenshot 2023-01-22 130637

Wenn ich dann wieder auf Download gehe, zeigt er mir 2x den japanischen und englischen Dub an, aber leider nicht den deutschen:

Screenshot 2023-01-22 131008

Hier noch was in der LOG steht:

> Thread Name: Main Auth-Basic: Basic *** NavigationCompleted: 22.01.2023 13:16:26 22.01.2023 13:16:26.842 https://www.crunchyroll.com/de/ Just Browsing, exiting... what's going on?: 22.01.2023 13:16:28 8 CurlPost-O: {"access_token":"***","refresh_token":"***","expires_in":300,"token_type":"Bearer","scope":"account content offline_access reviews talkbox","country":"DE","account_id":"***9"} https://www.crunchyroll.com/content/v2/cms/series/G60XNJW4R/seasons?preferred_audio_language=de-DE&locale=de-DE CurlAuth-O: {"total":3,"data":[{"extended_maturity_rating":{},"id":"GREXN9JGY","is_subbed":true,"keywords":[],"slug_title":"monster-girl-doctor","title":"Monster Girl Doctor","series_id":"G60XNJW4R","versions":[{"audio_locale":"ja-JP","guid":"GREXN9JGY","original":true,"variant":""},{"audio_locale":"en-US","guid":"GR0XN0JMY","original":false,"variant":""}],"channel_id":"crunchyroll","mature_blocked":false,"number_of_episodes":12,"subtitle_locales":["es-419","es-ES","it-IT","ru-RU","pt-BR","fr-FR","de-DE","en-US"],"audio_locales":["ja-JP"],"identifier":"G60XNJW4R|S1","maturity_ratings":["TV-14"],"season_sequence_number":0,"seo_description":"","description":"","is_complete":false,"is_simulcast":false,"season_display_number":"","season_number":1,"availability_notes":"[link url=\"https://sevenseasentertainment.com/series/monster-girl-doctor//\"]Read the Monster Girl Doctor light novels, available from Seven Seas Entertainment![/link]","is_mature":false,"seo_title":"","audio_locale":"ja-JP","images":{},"is_dubbed":false,"season_tags":["Sommer-2020"]},{"season_tags":[],"images":{},"is_dubbed":true,"is_simulcast":false,"is_subbed":false,"subtitle_locales":["en-US"],"versions":[{"audio_locale":"ja-JP","guid":"GREXN9JGY","original":true,"variant":""},{"audio_locale":"en-US","guid":"GR0XN0JMY","original":false,"variant":""}],"availability_notes":"","mature_blocked":false,"identifier":"G60XNJW4R|S1","is_mature":false,"season_sequence_number":0,"title":"(EN) Monster Girl Doctor","audio_locales":["en-US"],"maturity_ratings":["TV-14"],"slug_title":"monster-girl-doctor-english-dub","number_of_episodes":12,"is_complete":false,"seo_description":"","channel_id":"crunchyroll","description":"","season_number":1,"seo_title":"","season_display_number":"","audio_locale":"en-US","extended_maturity_rating":{},"id":"GR0XN0JMY","keywords":[],"series_id":"G60XNJW4R"},{"is_simulcast":false,"slug_title":"monster-girl-doctor-german-dub","subtitle_locales":["de-DE"],"versions":null,"audio_locale":"de-DE","is_complete":false,"season_number":1,"series_id":"G60XNJW4R","identifier":"","keywords":[],"title":"Monster Girl Doctor (German Dub)","description":"","is_mature":false,"season_display_number":"","seo_title":"","extended_maturity_rating":{},"channel_id":"crunchyroll","id":"G6NQCJPZM","season_sequence_number":0,"audio_locales":["de-DE"],"availability_notes":"","images":{},"is_dubbed":true,"season_tags":[],"number_of_episodes":6,"mature_blocked":false,"maturity_ratings":["TV-14"],"seo_description":"","is_subbed":false}],"meta":{"versions_considered":false}}

Hat das etwas mit der neuen API zu tun?

LG LorenorZorro3000

ghost commented 1 year ago

sometimes this error occurs: alt text alt text

@Boshouko how often does that happen ?

Im not sure maybe every 30 mins or 1 hour

Edit: ich hatte es etwas länger im Hintergrund offen und hab dann irgendwann versucht was runterzuladen. Dann kam der Fehler. Habe es nochmal getestet und es kam auch dann wieder.

Ist auch mit der aktuellen Version. Egal ob etwas geladen wird oder nicht, dieser Fehler kommt nach einiger Zeit.

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

@LorenorZorro3000 Das sollte bereits gefixt sein, ist halt 1:1 das selbe wie die meldung davor.

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

@Boshouko 403 ist leider immer noch :

The HTTP 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.

ghost commented 1 year ago

@Boshouko 403 ist leider immer noch :

The HTTP 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.

Komisch ist halt nur, dass das auch kommt, nur wenn ich den Downloader offen habe und nichts mache. Weird thing das war vorher noch nie xD

Dann kommt hin und wieder dieser Fehler:

alt text

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alt text

alt text

Es wird dann nichts mehr reingeladen (das was bereits im Loader ist, wird fertig gemacht). Wenn man dann auf Cancel drückt und dann erneut auf Download, passiert nichts. Der Downloader muss neugestartet werden.

tormento commented 1 year ago

@hama3254 and other contributors: please keep the discussion in english, so that non german speakers can read and contribute too.

AnAppleInABox commented 1 year ago

Why don't you just speak German? You're assuming they know English but some may not. How are they going to join in the convo? If you're that desperate use Google translate and guess what they are saying

On Mon, 23 Jan 2023, 9:21 pm tormento, @.***> wrote:

@hama3254 https://github.com/hama3254 and other contributors: please keep the discussion in english, so that non german speakers can read and contribute too.

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

The most imporant thing is to be nice to everyone @AnAppleInABox. English would be better but i prefer that everyone uses his nativ language over google translate english. If some wants to follow a discussion he is not directly involved in then he can still use google translate.

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

@Boshouko 403 ist leider immer noch :

The HTTP 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.

Komisch ist halt nur, dass das auch kommt, nur wenn ich den Downloader offen habe und nichts mache. Weird thing das war vorher noch nie xD

Es kann durchaus sein der der Cookie abläuft, cloudflare macht damit so einiges was ich nicht wirklich verstehe.

Dann kommt hin und wieder dieser Fehler:

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alt text

Es wird dann nichts mehr reingeladen (das was bereits im Loader ist, wird fertig gemacht). Wenn man dann auf Cancel drückt und dann erneut auf Download, passiert nichts. Der Downloader muss neugestartet werden.

Naja 502 ist ein server fehler also da läuft dann was schief bei CR, das bringt den Downloader dazu zu glauben er sucht noch nach einer folge obwohl das nicht so ist.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Es wird manchmal anstatt Staffel 1 Staffel 2 angezeigt wie bei https://www.crunchyroll.com/de/series/GYQ4ZWV46/in-another-world-with-my-smartphone

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hama3254 commented 1 year ago

@Boshouko Nothing i can do there... grafik

ghost commented 1 year ago

Mir ist noch aufgefallen, dass einzelne Folgen immer den direkt Link brauchen, damit die in der jeweiligen Sprache heruntergeladen werden können. Die Einstellungen in den Settings bringen irgendwie nichts weder bei den einzelnen Folgen noch bei einer ganzen Serie (die wählt man ja dann im nächsten Fenster aus).

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

@Boshouko Die einstellung ist derzeit nur damit ich für preferred_audio_language einen wert habe ohne da stumpf ja-JP reinzuschreiben. grafik

Ich kann alternative versionen verarbeiten die daten sind mit der änderung da, ich weiß nur nicht ob ich es soll. Das ist auch der Grund warum der multi-download alle dubs angezeigt anstatt wie bei CR mit "versteckten" einstellungen etwas auszuwählen. grafik