hama3254 / Crunchyroll-Downloader-v3.0

Downloader for Crunchyroll
844 stars 108 forks source link

Downloader stops at episode 41 #745

Closed NovumGain closed 1 year ago

NovumGain commented 1 year ago

For me, in any series I attempt to download with more than 41 episodes in one season, it completely just stops there, and I cannot download any further. Ordinarily, it'd show up on the UI, showing it's downloading X episode, but that stops after said episode number in said season. This even carries over after you reboot your downloader, for some reason. I'm going to give it a quick reinstall to double check, but this has happened in every situation I've tried.

NovumGain commented 1 year ago

Oh and if you try to download from 42 - X, it doesn't work there, either, unfortunately.

NovumGain commented 1 year ago

After a reinstall, it downloaded another 41 episodes on this series, but then just stopped oncemore at that cap of 41 episodes -- but it was because I reinstalled that it wasn't capped at 41, but rather, this time, 82.

NovumGain commented 1 year ago

In fact, the whole player stops functioning after that 41 mark -- I can't download anything else after that, until I reinstall.

NovumGain commented 1 year ago

And by "reinstall", I mean to replace all the files in the folder

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

I don't see an reason why the Downloader would have to be reinstalled. For a more detailed answer i would need to know what happens, where does the new downloads stop or fail. If there is any kind of error message than I would need that and if not than a copy of the CRD-Log would be nice to have.

NovumGain commented 1 year ago

There's no error message, and it acts like it's functioning fine...except the main screen that houses the actual download bars doesn't keep adding onto it past that certain number. I'll look into getting you that log now, though.

NovumGain commented 1 year ago

Just Browsing, exiting... True False True NavigationCompleted: 2023/05/17 12:24:26 2023/05/17 12:24:26.257 https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/GRWEX210R/if-you-cant-beat-them-join-them Just Browsing, exiting...

This is essentially what happens on repeat after the 41~st episode downloaded

edimusxero commented 1 year ago

I too have this problem. It definitely stops at 42 but like mentioned, looks like it is downloading more. If you close the program, reopen it and then select to download from episode 42 onwards it will continue, but you have to close the program first.

NovumGain commented 1 year ago

I've tried closing the program then reopening -- nothing. Hell, even replacing all the files sometimes doesn't do it, sometimes I have to do a clean folder install, and still it's jank. I've checked my firewall, it's not the issue, either.

edimusxero commented 1 year ago

I am testing it now to see, I know I downloaded from episode 42 on and it worked, but I may have deleted and re downloaded the program first, confirming now

NovumGain commented 1 year ago

Also, for the creator of this downloader -- few things that may help debug: When it starts to stop download, it says "loading" but nothing after that -- whereas when it's really downloading, it says something like "Loading.." then "Downloading a3e3" or something like that -- that last step is absent when this occurs. Second thing is, Even if things are in the queue, if the thing is running (but of course not downloading, after the "breaking point"), you can exit and it has no warning that things're downloading -- that is completely absent, as well.

NovumGain commented 1 year ago

I am testing it now to see, I know I downloaded from episode 42 on and it worked, but I may have deleted and re downloaded the program first, confirming now

Previous statement said, what're the results of this?

Aiyomi-Irirako commented 1 year ago

it's not the downloader. that's why he can't do anything about it a new "install" is also not necessary

it is simply a spam protection

NovumGain commented 1 year ago

You'd think, but only after a reinstall does it work -- I've tested it, and.. If I got to episode 41, waited 3-4 hours without doing anything after said event, come back, try again, it sitll won't work. Replacing it fixes it, however, no matter how little time has passed. So an install is necessary. Though I do question whether it's a cache that needs to be cleared for their spam prevention, I could see that.

Aiyomi-Irirako commented 1 year ago

bro i doesnt think i know it your results are wrong test it correctly and you see it too

hama3254 commented 1 year ago

For a somewhat useful answer i would need a full log and any additional error message that might pop-up. I also want to add that i don't even try to reproduce the issue because 41 downloads per day is more than the downloader is meant to do. I set the target to 12 episodes per day since this is what you could watch and the downloader is meant for private use only (based on §53 UrhG).

edimusxero commented 1 year ago

I can throttle it, I download 40 at a time, move the files out of the directory and close the program, open it back up and run it again and it works fine. If it's a spam detection issue, I suppose I can live with that