hama3254 / Crunchyroll-Downloader-v3.0

Downloader for Crunchyroll
850 stars 109 forks source link

Either Im dumb or its a bug... #979

Closed AndrewEPrince closed 1 month ago

AndrewEPrince commented 1 month ago

Hi! Im assuming this is a bug but im honestly not too sure as this is my first time using this program. Im pasting in the link then it asks me to use the add "--insecure" to curl requests. so I checkmarked it. I then go to add a video again:


and get this:


Then I go to the queue to see the download in the queue and check process:


but I find that it doesnt seemingly do anything and just goes away. am I missing a step? thanks

AndrewEPrince commented 1 month ago

Its also saying this after I press process Queue image

hama3254 commented 1 month ago

if you get any error like in #929 then please try to disable your anti virus software and see if the downloader then works.

AndrewEPrince commented 1 month ago

The only popup like that that ive gotten has been to use the --insecure

before I checked that box I would get this:


I just allowed it on my antivirus and got this:


But now it doesn't show up in the queue. or if it does, it will do the same thing where it'll just go into the queue and then leave when the process queue is on.

hama3254 commented 1 month ago

The only popup like that that ive gotten has been to use the --insecure

i probably have to redo/remove the error message. https://github.com/hama3254/Crunchyroll-Downloader-v3.0/blob/588fc587f2e8c4682d540ba73baeb5d429d7573b/Crunchyroll%20Downloader/Main.vb#L2925 https://github.com/hama3254/Crunchyroll-Downloader-v3.0/blob/588fc587f2e8c4682d540ba73baeb5d429d7573b/Crunchyroll%20Downloader/Main.vb#L2926

But now it doesnt show up in the queue

Does it now download the episode? it should update the status regualry and then add the video to the main window.

AndrewEPrince commented 1 month ago

Nothing shows un in the downloader


This is it after it left the queue


AndrewEPrince commented 1 month ago

I was using StreamFab but it just stopped being able to get the info for the website all of a sudden so I tried using this. maybe Cloudflare is being tricky with my account specifically? or maybe something is happening on the backend from allowing my account to have access to some content through some API?

If you want I can also share my account with you to see if its an account problem

Elwador commented 1 month ago

i tried streamfab a few months back for a few days, when this downloader wasn't available, but i got so annoyed that i made my own downloader to easily check for new episodes on CR 😆

also are you using a vpn? maybe that is causing the problem here

AndrewEPrince commented 1 month ago

Yes, I was using a vpn. I took it off and am still having the same problem. Im not sure if this helps but it only shows up in the queue if I have the "Process Queue" set to on before I press download

AndrewEPrince commented 1 month ago

Does it connect with an API or does it use a Browser or the default browser? I assume it would show up in the My Devices section on Crunchyroll itself. I know there is an activate device option.


Also just in case, here are the settings I'm running:






AndrewEPrince commented 1 month ago

UPDATE! Just tried it on my laptop and it works. the question is what on my computer is stopping it from working?

AndrewEPrince commented 1 month ago

UPDATE: Its avast. works after I turn off firewall and core sheilds. UPDATE: has to do with Core Shields UPDATE: I added the whole file to exceptions but it didn't work UPDATE: The Specific shield that is stopping it from working is webshield... UPDATE: Within Web Shield, what's messing with is specifically HTTPS Scanning. UPDATE: I have no clue what specific URL to add the exception to. Wont work with the crunchyroll website. Anyone have an Idea?

hama3254 commented 1 month ago

UPDATE: I have no clue what specific URL to add the exception to.

If you can add domains to the exception list than beta-api.crunchyroll.com would be it. The request url changes for each anime.

AndrewEPrince commented 1 month ago

That one helps. when I added that as an exception, it could then find the anime and the episodes and seasons but it would still disappear as if it had already processed that episode. are there any other domains it could be using?

hama3254 commented 1 month ago

I forgott the media files are hosted on different CDNs, i don't have a list of all possible sub-domains. If you have another device where it works then i would suggest you use that and then tranfser the file between the devices as you need. The other options are to either disable avast for the usage of the downloader or even uninstall it.

AndrewEPrince commented 1 month ago

sweet! thanks for your help!