hama3254 / Crunchyroll-Downloader-v3.0

Downloader for Crunchyroll
848 stars 109 forks source link

[DRM Issue] The download process seems to have crashed (Error) #991

Open Daigh opened 4 weeks ago

Daigh commented 4 weeks ago


I don't know what would cause this error :(

stratuma commented 3 weeks ago

NordVPN, u joking xDDDDD

TaMaGo-TTV commented 3 weeks ago

NordVPN, u joking xDDDDD

NordVPN is a crazy call 😂😂😂😂😂😂

petenun commented 3 weeks ago

I don't know if there's a better place to hold this conversation. I don't know GitHub's rules but I wouldn't want to get Hama into trouble talking casually about circumventing laws. Yeah, I know. I'm a stick in the mud.

TaMaGo-TTV commented 3 weeks ago

I don't know if there's a better place to hold this conversation. I don't know GitHub's rules but I wouldn't want to get Hama into trouble talking casually about circumventing laws. Yeah, I know. I'm a stick in the mud.

Yeah lets stop this here and close this thread until there is a Fix (Hopefully) 🤝🏻

Serpentstar commented 3 weeks ago

@stratuma @TaMaGo-TTV Enlighten me please. DM me if you don't mind.

stratuma commented 3 weeks ago

@stratuma @TaMaGo-TTV Enlighten me please. DM me if you don't mind.

You are safer without VPN instead of using NordVPN tbh, they track everything and work with authorities. (Thats why they are so cheap)

NickQ29 commented 3 weeks ago

Actually, before this is closed - is it still possible to download just the subtitles, the way it was the last time this happened?

hama3254 commented 3 weeks ago

Actually, before this is closed - is it still possible to download just the subtitles, the way it was the last time this happened?

the latest release should work fine for subtitles. The add window has a drop down to just download them.

TaMaGo-TTV commented 3 weeks ago

Actually, before this is closed - is it still possible to download just the subtitles, the way it was the last time this happened?

the latest release should work fine for subtitles. The add window has a drop down to just download them.

Not working for me

It says that he downloaded the subs but all folders are empty

hama3254 commented 3 weeks ago

I see no issue on my side. You can check if you have subtitles on CR itself new episodes and dubs may simply have none. The downloader does not issue any error for missing soft subs. grafik

Akamaru commented 3 weeks ago

If someone want to download just the subtitles, I created a .bat file to do this.

@echo off
set /p url="Bitte gib die Crunchyroll-URL ein (oder 'exit' zum Beenden): "
if "%url%"=="exit" goto :eof
set flags=--allow-u --write-sub --sub-lang de-DE,en-US --sub-format "ass" -u "EMAIL" -p "PASSWORD" --skip-download
yt-dlp %flags% %url%
goto :loop

You need yt-dlp installed and added to your PATH in windows.

And to download anime from ADN I have this .bat:

@echo off
set /p url="Bitte gib die ADN-URL ein (oder 'exit' zum Beenden): "
if "%url%"=="exit" goto :eof
set flags=--sub-lang "de" --embed-subs --remux-video mkv -u "EMAIL" -p "PASSWORD" --embed-metadata
yt-dlp %flags% %url%
goto :loop

Important: If your password contains a % you need to use %%.

acteiaa commented 3 weeks ago

It's really sad to see the program I used for years being discontinued. No other program surpasses this beautiful work, so simple and unique. Thank you for dedicating all this time; it will leave a huge hole.😭

Denji945 commented 3 weeks ago

@hama3254 So this is the end of the downloader?

sahtanoj commented 3 weeks ago

I don't believe this is the end of CRD, as I believe Hama will find some way around it, even if it's through the insertion of a DRM unlock. However, if this is the end, @hama3254 , thank you very much for all this incredible work. You will be in all of our hearts.❤️

petenun commented 3 weeks ago

I agree with your sentiment about Hama and all his work. It's been a fun ride. Though I obviously can't speak for him, in the past he's made it pretty clear that he's not willing to cross the line of dealing with DRM, and I certainly wouldn't want to push him in a direction in which he's not willing to go. That said, it's his decision to make. Whatever happens, I'm still thankful for all the hard work they've put into this project.

hama3254 commented 3 weeks ago

as I believe Hama will find some way around it, even if it's through the insertion of a DRM unlock.

As already stated I don't breake the DRM more here: https://github.com/hama3254/Crunchyroll-Downloader-v3.0/issues/991#issuecomment-2181970353