hamarituc / gentoo-overlay

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Looking for possible demod/decode Inmarsat messages. #5

Closed Brumi-2021 closed 1 year ago

Brumi-2021 commented 1 year ago

Hello , thanks a lot for your great overlay repository and its continuous maintenance , ( I am synchronized to it through pentoo).

Recently I am interested to try to demodulate / decode experimentally , the geostationary INMARSAT satellites . (ACARS messages sent from satellites to Aeroplanes (SatCom ACARS), and also martime Inmarsat messages ) Soon I will start to check the 1.5Ghz RHCP antenna and if I need some LNA .

Do you have in your repo, net-wireless , some similar tool as , JAERO ?

I know that JAERO is already available through Ubuntu linux and Windows , but as it has not the related CMakeLists.txt, then I can not compile it locally in my gentoo (pentoo) from CMake. (I already opened an issue in that JAERO gitHub, but not sure, if they will implement that CMakeList.txt or not?. ) .

Maybe you can help me , if not , do not worry , I will use his windows version , and let's close that issue .

Anyway , thanks for your great contribution with your gentoo overlay support ,


Brumi-2021 commented 1 year ago

Even , I still have not gentoo solution for it . Let me close it , because it is not your overlay maintenance matter. Thanks anyway , and sorry for the noise .