hambali999 / Portfolio-Websites

Share and contribute all your portfolio websites templates for open source, anyone, anywhere to use it :) hacktoberfest2020
4 stars 7 forks source link

Share your Portfolio Websites/Porfile templates to anybody or anyone who needs a hand! Hacktoberfest2020 #1

Open hambali999 opened 3 years ago

Aldhanekaa commented 3 years ago

So we just need to build a website then upload (make PR) to this repo?

hambali999 commented 3 years ago

Yes > So we just need to build a website then upload (make PR) to this repo?

hambali999 commented 3 years ago

So we just need to build a website then upload (make PR) to this repo?

yes @Aldhanekaa

clare0901 commented 3 years ago

Portfolio Can i Contribute ??

hambali999 commented 3 years ago

Hey sure anyone can contribute! :) > > Portfolio

Can i Contribute ??