hamiltop / rethinkdb-elixir

Rethinkdb client in pure elixir (JSON protocol)
MIT License
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Completion of the 10 Minute Guide #58

Open fikse opened 9 years ago

fikse commented 9 years ago

I'm trying to get started using this library, and I was excited to find the Ten Minute Guide with Rethinkdb Elixir, but it doesn't contain anything specific to rethinkdb-elixir. I am requesting that this guide be updated, and also it would be nice to know how to use this module within iex, since I'm having trouble connecting to the local session right now :)

hamiltop commented 9 years ago

The 10 minute guide was user contributed and I'm not sure about the final state of it. @linicks are you still around and interested in working on the 10 minute guide?

In regards to iex, in a mix project with rethinkdb-elixir installed as a dependency:

iex -S mix

iex(1)> use RethinkDB
iex(2)> conn = connect
iex(3)> table_list |> run(conn)
%RethinkDB.Record{data: ["people", "raw_data"]}
Linicks commented 9 years ago

All, I'm still here, and looking forward to finishing the ten minute guide, and other docs/guides. As we all know, the ten minute guide is currently a blank template waiting for the code examples to be filled in. I have been holding off it's completion while the API stabilizes. Additionally, I've been working on other projects and won't be have time to work on this for a few weeks or so.

-- Nick

willykaram commented 8 years ago

@Linicks I'm just reaching out to see if you're still interested in completing the 10-minute guide. I'm interested in trying to finish up a draft of it this week. Would that be ok with you? If you have a draft in progress perhaps you could push that up and then we can collaborate off that. If not I can get the ball rolling.

AdamBrodzinski commented 8 years ago

@willykaram as a newb i'd be more than happy to test drive any text you have. I have a great track record for getting stuck for hours with various libs because of certain assumptions :laughing:

Linicks commented 8 years ago

Willykaram, I'm happy that you are interested in working on the guide. The more the merrier :) When I started it, the driver was in it's very early stages as was changing pretty quickly as most new projects do. I've been waiting for the driver to mature a bit before starting work on it again. I haven't had a chance to dig back into it, but believe that it's in fairly a stable state so that the guid will remain accurate for a reasonable time delta between changes. If you want to start filling in the blanks, I would be more than happy to jump in and help polish it up, etc.