haml / haml-rails

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Broken template after erb2haml #88

Closed lancedikson closed 9 years ago

lancedikson commented 9 years ago

Hi! I just ran rake haml:erb2haml for all .erb files. There was three erb files in one directory:

|- index.html.erb
|- login.html.erb
|- logout.html.erb

CLI asked me about what files I wanna convert. Now, I have the same files, but in haml-format. But, one of those (login.html.haml) looks like this:

\%h1 Login#index
\%p Find me in app/views/login/index.html.erb

I don't know why these lines prefixed by backslash. Is it bug?

indirect commented 9 years ago

No idea. :) Feel free to investigate!

sedx commented 9 years ago

@lancedikson it's look like html2haml gem problem, because file conversion his job

`html2haml #{file} #{file.gsub(/\.erb\z/, '.haml')}`
rusikf commented 9 years ago

@lancedikson, It is a problem with html2haml gem ,as noted @sedx. You can create issue for it here https://github.com/haml/html2haml