Removes file naming from the executor and relies on the engine and the generation-contract to handle file naming
Removes the level attribute and replaces it with the deployment group property. This was partially complete and has now been completed
Removes the ability to specify the DEPLOYMENT_UNIT_SUBSET in deployments. Recommendation is to use deployment groups and resource sets for this functionality
Makes the tmp output dir that is used during generation a CMDB ( includes a .cmdb file ) so that the engine can write to the tmp directory as it requires ( using the engine toCMDB methods )
The file provided to the engine via the -o flag is now used to store the output generation log instead of including this as part of the templates
Uses this file to look for log messages from the hamlet engine
This also allows us to log warning messages without impacting template generation or a deployment
Fixes an issue in selecting the output directory for non deployment outputs where the level was used instead of the entrance to choose files.
Adds an explicit mapping of contract parameters to an ordered options list. This ensures that the ordering of contract arguments aligns with the bash function that is being called
Motivation and Context
Move file naming into the engine instead of being handled in the exectuor
How Has This Been Tested?
Tested locally
Types of changes
[ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
[ ] Refactor (non-breaking change which improves the structure or operation of the implementation)
[X] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
[ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
Followup Actions
[x] None
[ ] My change requires a change to the documentation.
bash implementation updates for
Motivation and Context
Move file naming into the engine instead of being handled in the exectuor
How Has This Been Tested?
Tested locally
Types of changes
Followup Actions