hammar / webprotege

WebProtégé fork supporting eXtreme Design
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Design search architecture/components #7

Closed hammar closed 9 years ago

hammar commented 9 years ago

Reuse search methods from ESWC paper.

hammar commented 9 years ago

Current plan is to package the existing Composite3 prototype and index as a Spring Boot project and run it as a REST service through Tomcat (tentative URI: search.xd-protege.com). When users runs their query in the ODP Search portlet the backend XdServiceImpl will proxy the request and send it on to the Composite3 search engine. This decouples search/index functions from the WP plugin, enabling improvements to either to be done without affecting the other. This architecture however also requires that some additional methods for fetching ODP metadata for individual ODPs from search.xd-protege.com be added.