hammerlab / flowdec

TensorFlow Deconvolution for Microscopy Data
Apache License 2.0
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even shapes required for `real_domain_fft` #21

Open VolkerH opened 5 years ago

VolkerH commented 5 years ago

While experimenting with real_domain_fft I noticed that this has different input shape requirements compared to complex_domain_fft. As a result, pad_modes in ['none', '2357'] will throw an error for some input shapes.

A notebook to reproduce this is here: https://github.com/VolkerH/flowdec/blob/realdomainexperiments/python/examples/notebooks/experimenting%20with%20real_domain%20option.ipynb

I first noticed this here: https://github.com/VolkerH/Lattice_Lightsheet_Deskew_Deconv/issues/37

Suggested fix:

It is not obvious whether handling pad_mode == None like this is desirable behaviour. If users don't want padding maybe a warning should be issued that padding happens anyway.

Edit: While https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/signal/rfft3d doesn't explicitly mention the permitted shape, the fact that fft_length / 2 positive-frequency terms are returned seems to confirm that even dimensions are rquired.