hammerlab / stratotemplate

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Add instructions for upgrading strato/Ketrew #10

Open ihodes opened 7 years ago

ihodes commented 7 years ago

Is it

cd stratotemplate
git pull origin master  # dealing with configuration.env issues
smondet commented 7 years ago

Well, that is more "git-fu" than specific to the template.

Option 1:

What I do there is that I have my configuration.envs committed in branches (when I handle more than one deployment). If I want to upgrade the template, I git pull in master and then I rebase the branches I need. I can create a private repo on bitbucket and git remote add blabla to push my "applied templates".

Option 2:

There are other options, like putting configurations like cp configuration.env configuration-cluster-a.env and then stay on master and committing the new config files.

Option 3:

Ditch the environment variables all together, edit the .ml files and commit that to a branch that can be git rebased.

smondet commented 7 years ago

Regarding stratocumulus: it's docker-fu (with an opam upgrade in the middle) :)

And which Ketrew do you want to update?

ihodes commented 7 years ago

The ketrew server that gets deployed by gcpketrew.sh