hammertater / treechop

MIT License
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Add trees from another mod? #261

Open SugarDaddii opened 5 months ago

SugarDaddii commented 5 months ago

Is it possible to add trees of a mod where it’s not possible to chop down trees? The pine tree of meadow is not choppable and I want to add combat is that even possible or need the mod author add compatibility?

hammertater commented 5 months ago

Sorry for the late reply! Which versions of TreeChop and Meadow are you using? Looking at their source code, I can see they added treechop compatibility in the latest version (https://github.com/satisfyu/Meadow/commit/2190688dc2b2c74192565b5112196e8453957e26) released on Jan. 8, 2024

SugarDaddii commented 5 months ago

Iam using version for Minecraft 1.19.2. ATM iam using a datapack to add combat. Have a nice day