NYC Building Permits
A building can have multiple jobs. A job can have multiple permits.
Jobs are the most interesting of the two, because they detail the work to be done an estimated cost. Other interesting things they record:
Current and proposed new zoning square feet
Current and proposed number of stories
Text description in all caps
Permits are interesting because they have the name of the business (”Permittee’s Business Name”), a personal name for the business (often the name of the owner), and other related information. Both the permit and job data have the property owner’s name and business name.
The job reports list jobs issued in a given month. I don’t know if the same job ID can appear across multiple months. A given month might have 9,000+ jobs.
That page also has complaint reports. There is a searchable database of bad construction professionals at You can probably connect the two to permit
Are there duplicate permits across months? Duplicate jobs across months?
NYC Building Permits A building can have multiple jobs. A job can have multiple permits.
Jobs are the most interesting of the two, because they detail the work to be done an estimated cost. Other interesting things they record:
Permits are interesting because they have the name of the business (”Permittee’s Business Name”), a personal name for the business (often the name of the owner), and other related information. Both the permit and job data have the property owner’s name and business name.
The data
The online system is pretty good, especially if you want to skim the data or do a quick search. You can start with a BIN, job, or permit number, and drill up or down to the details: (Sure, it doesn’t look great – but the pages load in ¾ of a second)
The open data is here:
That’s usually around 400,000 rows of open permits (are they all open?) on a particular day. The CSV export is around 300MB.
_The historical reports are here: _
This is where you can easily get bulk data
The job reports list jobs issued in a given month. I don’t know if the same job ID can appear across multiple months. A given month might have 9,000+ jobs.
That page also has complaint reports. There is a searchable database of bad construction professionals at You can probably connect the two to permit
Are there duplicate permits across months? Duplicate jobs across months?
How people use the data
Historical permits
Sweeten permit dot map:
NY Times search:
Weekly monitor of violations