hampusohlsson / browser-deeplink

Redirect mobile website users to your native iOS and/or Android app
MIT License
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Doesn't seem to work when loaded from within an iFrame #5

Open Joe-Palmer opened 9 years ago

Joe-Palmer commented 9 years ago

I have tried to implement this on a page which is loaded within an iFrame but it does not seem to work on my Android (Chrome v40). Is there a reason why it wouldn't work in an iFrame?

hampusohlsson commented 9 years ago

Interesting use case. There is another issue is about iframes not working on Chrome/Android, so it might just be the case it does not work regardless of the nested iframe.

Unfortunately I don't have access to an Android device, so I can't fully investigate the issue.

Joe-Palmer commented 9 years ago

Ah yes, I see, you might be right. I'll do some more testing to see if it is actually the other issue I am getting.

Thanks, I would imagine that the Android emulator exhibits the same behaviour. It comes with Android Studio which is easy to setup if you want to try and test the issue.

godspeedelbow commented 9 years ago

It doesn't work the first time (page url gets set to intent://...). When I press back, it does work. This is very consistent

mrozlukasz commented 9 years ago

Yup same behaviour like @godspeedelbow. No deeplink with my app's uri but intent://. The fallback triggers only if I press back button twice.