hamrahpay / AndroidStudioAAR

HamrahPay Android Studio AAR Library
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okhttp3.Address #2

Open dariushEm opened 5 years ago

dariushEm commented 5 years ago

بعد از اضافه شدن برژوه این خظا میاد Error: Program type already present: okhttp3.Address

dariushEm commented 5 years ago

Fix duplicate class errors

If a class appears more than once on the runtime classpath, you get an error similar to the following:

Program type already present com.example.MyClass

This error typically occurs due to one of the following circumstances:

A binary dependency includes a library that your app also includes as a direct dependency. For example, your app declares a direct dependency on Library A and Library B, but Library A already includes Library B in its binary.
    To resolve this issue, remove Library B as a direct dependency.
Your app has a local binary dependency and a remote binary dependency on the same library.
    To resolve this issue, remove one of the binary dependencies.