hamukazu / lets-get-arrested

This project is intended to protest against the police in Japan
4.14k stars 1.09k forks source link

I think you don't have the right script #147

Closed nutzboi closed 4 years ago

nutzboi commented 5 years ago

The original script was: <script language="JavaScript"> for ( ; ; ) { window.alert(" ∧_∧ ババババ\n( ・ω・)=つ≡つ\n(っ ≡つ=つ\n`/  )\n(ノΠU\n何回閉じても無駄ですよ~ww\nm9(^Д^)プギャー!!\n byソル (@0_Infinity_)") } </script>

davissorenson commented 5 years ago

The Japanese README.ja.md says:


Which, loosely translated, means:

...an infinite loop much like the [code] below...

I think the aim was to make the code easy to quickly comprehend.