hanai3Bi / Switch-OC-Suite

Overclocking suite for Nintendo Switch devices running Atmosphere CFW
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Add functionality for frequency governor #28

Closed YCH01001 closed 1 year ago

YCH01001 commented 1 year ago

Add functionality for frequency governor On - Off - Handheld Only

Handheld can bring good battery life to SWITCH, but don’t worry about it in Docked, it’s very troublesome to switch every time

hanai3Bi commented 1 year ago

okay will make it configurable in sys-clk ini file

hanai3Bi commented 1 year ago

Feature implemented. will be included in next version.

I think current setting of enabling governor for all titles when governor is enabled is fine, because i think it's rare that someone would want to use governor only on very specific titles and not use for rest

hanai3Bi commented 1 year ago

closed as new version came out